IGF-1r3 long with I...
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IGF-1r3 long with Insulin dosing schedule? Any suggestions?

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I would like to take IGF-1r3 long along side Humalin-R but would like to know a correct dosing schedule involving times and dosages as I know both are insulinegetic and could really f#uck me up if taken wrongly. I have experience with IGF-1r3 and Insulin and will be further combining GH into the mix at 6IUs daily with 100mcg of IGF-1r3 long and ? as far as insulin dosages. If anyone could help me out on how ot use the two properly that would be great, thanks

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So lemme get this straight...LongR3IGF-1, GH, and a dash of slin tossed in for, y'know, good measure. All I can say is: :eek2: Reading this brought an infamous IRC quote to mind. To wit, "I told you I was hardcore". Oh, and bump for wedontwanttoseethisguykillhimself.

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check the igf-1 forum on musclechemistry, bro...not sure what shaan is referring to...

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From the readings I've done on IGF most warn against using slin with it. I have yet to try IGF myself, but a buddy of mine ran it at 50mcg a day in divided doses and loved it. He ran it with prop. I would not use slin with it. But it seems opinions on IGF change almost daily so maybe new findings will change my mind. For now I woud err on the side of caution. Musclenexus has lots of IGF info as well...

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Originally posted by Juice Freak I would like to take IGF-1r3 long along side Humalin-R but would like to know a correct dosing schedule involving times and dosages as I know both are insulinegetic and could really f#uck me up if taken wrongly. I have experience with IGF-1r3 and Insulin and will be further combining GH into the mix at 6IUs daily with 100mcg of IGF-1r3 long and ? as far as insulin dosages. If anyone could help me out on how ot use the two properly that would be great, thanks well tell us what difference you think you will get by doing this... all i wanna know is why you think you should be doing this and what you will achieve over regular juice and igf stack.. you must be careful timing you slin shot when you are using both IGF and gh daily... you do realize for optimal results using the drugs you described you will be sticking yourself at least 5x per day right ?

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Insulin is supposed to prolong IGF-1R3 in the body allowing the IGF1-r3 to remain active longer, for more jacked muscle gains.

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i heard igf/gf shots should be spaced at least 1.5 hrs apart from slin shots...id start at 5iu of slin...and go from there...maybe 50mcg of igf 1...run igf everyday...and slin only on workout days post workout (maybe add in slin and igf one together)...and run the gh for the 4-6 week cycle...but personally im guessing its best to run gh for 4-6 months to get fullm benefits...

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i believe the latest issue of muscular developement has a 42 day dosing plan of slin...igf and gh...you should DEFINATELY check this out as it answers your question...plus i think it must be great for healing tendons....king of pain should probably wanna look into this too to help him with his shoulder prob ....youll get that bench back up to 405 within a month or 2 i bet with this dosing plan in muscular development KOP...its the issue with green on the front and that black dude on the front..i think its tony freeman...

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honestly for a first shot at igf i would take it alone to see if it works for you... otherwise you might think it works but be wasting you money from then on....if you are taking other things with it.

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yeAH...i agree with kapn...try it alone for a week with nothing else and keep ure diet and cardio/lifting exactly the same...to see if it makes any difference...maybe take be4 and after pics...for a 1-2 week cycle...this way youll truly know its working... better to have legit stuff and know it works...than to have crap product due to downregulation from shipping it and not being in a fridge for a few days....its expensive shit...

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thanks for the info brothas, I've already tried the IGF1-r3 alone and love it but now I wanna combine it with slin, I'll definately pic up the new Muscular development if it has a dosing schedule like that, that's freakin awesome.

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has anyone tried the LR version of Long R3 IGF1? and what is the best stuff to mix IGF1 with to give it the longest shelf life? Juice Freak, how long are your IGF1 bottles active when you last used it?
