igf-1 increasing Hb...
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igf-1 increasing Hb +HCT????

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Hey guys as you know Iīve been on HGH+igf-1 for some time now and got my blood checked a couple of days ago.

*HB from 15,8 to 18,1!!!!!
*HCT from 46% to 52,3 %
*rbc from 4,7 to 5,9!!!!
*IGF-1 from 230 to 527

eventually the result is really surprising and interesting concerning itīs epo alike effects!!!!

I wanted to know if you guys have some experience on that!

greets tkobwc!!!

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Very interesting,I would get tests done again at another lab; to verify results. (at exactly same time as first test) M/track

Cauliflower Ear
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yeah that sounds a little fishy...sounds almost as drastic as vit E

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What kind of dosing have you been doing and for how long. I had the same results with test but IGF is not detectable. Thanks!

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I started my hgh on 09.12.06 3i.u ed 5on 20ff but switched to eod after some time and began a week afterwards with the igf-1 (started with 20 mcg ,now 50 mcg eod).

*iron i.v
*vit. B complex i.m eod

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Thanks for the info. Sounds great! I can't wait to jump on board.

Cauliflower Ear
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Posted by: tkobwc
I started my hgh on 09.12.06 3i.u ed 5on 20ff but switched to eod after some time and began a week afterwards with the igf-1 (started with 20 mcg ,now 50 mcg eod).

*iron i.v
*vit. B complex i.m eod

whoa bro you are shooting iron in your veins? thats kinda heavy no?

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in combination with a 10% glucose solution

Cauliflower Ear
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Posted by: tkobwc
in combination with a 10% glucose solution

where do you get that...do you find it is much better than the oral? does your doctor shoot it for you...i have heard that shooting iron is so dangerous...and can very easily kill you...do you get great results from it?

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Posted by: tkobwc
I started my hgh on 09.12.06 3i.u ed 5on 20ff but switched to eod after some time and began a week afterwards with the igf-1 (started with 20 mcg ,now 50 mcg eod).

*iron i.v
*vit. B complex i.m eod

It is basically impossible for HB to increase 3gd/l in 8-10days even using E.Did u have normal values B4 u had these blood tests? Hgh will not increase Hb. Igf 1 who knows it is a research drug ;but with the same effects as Hgh +insulin , anyone have any info I am very sceptical.As 4 the fe IV if u were aenemic then Hb would increase quickly ---but u would have to be 9-11 gd/l and it could increase to 12-12.5gd/l. I would get other tests done. M/track

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sorry,sorry,sorry !!!!I was in a hurry when i wrote that!!!!of course i get vit. Bīs i.v and the iron i.m!!!!!

Ps:Tomorrow some blood testing again!!!!!

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interesting article!!!

Dialysis – Transplantation
Kidney International (2002) 61, 1537–1544; doi:10.1046/j.1523-1755.2002.00271.x

Randomized prospective comparison between erythropoietin and androgens in CAPD patients
Juan F Navarro, Carmen Mora, Manuel Macía and Javier García

Nephrology Service and Research Unit, Hospital Universitario Nuestra Seņora de Candelaria, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Correspondence: Juan F. Navarro, M.D., Nephrology Service, Hospital Nuestra Seņora de Candelaria, 38010 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 13 February 2001; Revised 7 August 2001; Accepted 2 November 2001.

Top of pageAbstract
Randomized prospective comparison between erythropoietin and androgens in CAPD patients.

Background Anemia and malnutrition are significant complications in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Previous studies in hemodialysis have shown that androgens are effective as therapy for anemia; however, this has not been tested in a randomized prospective trial in PD patients. Furthermore, the anabolic properties of androgens may exert additional benefits on the nutritional status in this population.

Methods Twenty-seven stable male patients over 50 years who were under maintenance continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) therapy were randomized to receive recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO; N = 14) or nandrolone decanoate (ND; 200 mg/week IM; N = 13) as therapy for anemia. The evolution of hematologic parameters and the impact on both nutritional anthorpometric and biochemical variables were evaluated after six months of treatment.

Results Hemoglobin and hematocrit experienced similar increases in both groups: from 8.5 0.9 g/dL and 25.8 2.7% to 11.7 0.6 g/dL and 34.7 1.6% (P < 0.001) in patients receiving rHuEPO, and from 8.9 0.8 and 27 2.2% to 11.8 0.4 g/dL and 35.1 1.5% (P < 0.001) in subjects treated with ND. At the end of the study, out of the diverse nutritional variables included in this investigation, only weight and body mass index significantly increased in the rHuEPO group. Conversely, both anthropometric [weight, body mass index, triceps skinfold, mid-arm circunference (MAC) and mid-arm muscle circunference (MAMC)] and biochemical parameters (serum total proteins, albumin, prealbumin and transferrin) were significantly increased in patients treated with ND. In this group, serum urea nitrogen, urea net excretion and protein equivalent of nitrogen appearance significantly decreased. These facts, together with an increase in serum creatinine and no changes in dietary intake during the study, suggest a rise in muscle mass related to an anabolic effect of nandrolone decanoate. Interestingly, serum levels of insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) increased in patients on the androgen group compared to subjects treated with rHuEPO. Moreover, there was a positive and significant correlation between the rise in IGF-1 concentrations and the increase in hemoglobin, hematocrit, MAC and MAMC.

Conclusions Androgens therapy improved the anemia in elderly male CAPD patients in a similar manner to that observed with rHuEPO. Furthermore, compared with rHuEPO, androgen administration was associated with beneficial effects on nutritional status. The mechanism of action of androgens on hematologic and nutritional parameters might be mediated, at least in part, by IGF-1.

Cauliflower Ear
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so you shoot iron im? i havent heard of that...hey M/track...i have a bunch of injectable b12 that i have been shooting im eod...is that okay...i shoot the b12 and take 2 b complex vitamins everyday...cause the b12 i shoot is only b12...is that okay...obviously for the next time i buy b12 i will get the b complex to shoot...but can i continue to shoot this or is it not doing shit? i remember you saying that it is not that effective to just shoot b12...you need the complex so i was just wondering

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Re: igf-1 increasing Hb +HCT????

Posted by: tkobwc
Hey guys as you know Iīve been on hgh +igf-1 for some time now and got my blood checked a couple of days ago.

*HB from 15,8 to 18,1!!!!!
*HCT from 46% to 52,3 %
*rbc from 4,7 to 5,9!!!!
*IGF-1 from 230 to 527

eventually the result is really surprising and interesting concerning itīs epo alike effects!!!!

I wanted to know if you guys have some experience on that!

greets tkobwc!!!

Do you notice more power, better endurance, better recovery ?

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one thing iīve noticed so far is that i get really late out of breath as it comes to treshold workouts!!!
