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IGF-1 and T3

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El Mucho
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I've been doing a lot of reading on IGF-1 and how it should be used. I'm starting to see it as a fast acting Growth Hormone rather than the amazing alien substance that some boards have made it out to be. It's true that it doesn't need to be injected everyday because when IGF comes into contact with receptors, it begins a process of hyperplasia that lasts for days and even longer. However, each iu of GH is equal to roughly 5mcg of IGF-1. So if you were to use 120-150mcg of IGF-1 a week it would be the same as using about 4iu's of GH for only a few weeks at a time. So I believe that it should be used in higher amounts and in shorter amounts of time because there is a feedback loop of Somatostatin that causes the IGF-1 to become nearly useless after a very short amount of time (about 2-3 weeks). People will argue with that because of their personal experience with IGF-1 but I'm just stating the things that I've read. The amount of Somatostatin that is released is relative to the amount of excess IGF in the body and the amount of time that it has been increased. Using lower amounts of IGF won't cause a high amount of Somatostatin but it won't cause much of anything for gains either. Using GH and IGF simultaneously, t3 or T4, and/or using very high amounts of amino acids can help slowdown the Somatostatin loop, but not stop it. The Somatostatin binds with the IGF receptors as well as shutoff pituitary secretion of GH so that is why there is a GH drop after stopping IGF-1.

I know that using T3 or preferably T4 with GH is beneficial for many reasons. The T3 and T4 cause a direct increase of GH secretion from the pituitary gland. That not only causes the body to have more HGH in it, but it also keeps the pituitary active in releasing HGH even though exogenous GH is being used. Extra T3 also helps tons with energy and even more so with burning fat. T3 begins to lose its strength after a few months because the body gradually builds up a resistance to the extra T3 as well as slowing down the thyroid. T4 can be used for longer amounts of time though. T4 must be converted into T3 by the body so even though there is more T3 in the body from the higher amount of T4, the body will not build up a resistance as fast because it is still going through the natural process of converting T4. So I'm going to use a low dose of T3 (25-50mcg a day) with my IGF-1 when I wrap up my current cycle. I'm hoping that this will help me get a little more out of my IGF-1 and will help prevent any drop of GH when I'm finished. T3 can also up regulate the beta receptors so I'm going to add just 40mcg of clen to my PCT when I'm finished with the T3 and IGF-1. The low dose of Clen should help keep cortisol low and energy up while coming off the gear. Anyway, just putting some new ideas out there.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 180

I like how you think through things...

Ever consider using a natural glandular thyroid... the balance of T3 and T4 is better plus the thyroid makes other drugs besides T3 and T4 and it's in the Natural Thyroid... Amour Thyroid is one brand


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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El Mucho
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Posted by: Visions
I like how you think through things...

Ever consider using a natural glandular thyroid...the balance of T3 and T4 is better plus the thyroid makes other drugs besides T3 and T4 and it's in the Natural Thyroid...Amour Thyroid is one brand

I already have a bunch of T3 that I got from a "natural" bodybuilder that owed me for letting him come over and use my exercise bike every night while he was preparing for a show. I wanted to use the 60mg Armour tabs but then I would have to pay for them even though I already have 6000mcg of T3 on hand. I'm not a big fan of thyroid drugs but I've heard that Armour is some good stuff. I'll probably order some of it anyway, but I need to use up at least some of the T3 that I've got.

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So how did that IGF + T3 combo go for you post cycle El Mucho?

El Mucho
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Posted by: halfast
So how did that IGF + T3 combo go for you post cycle El Mucho?

It worked much better than I expected. I was also using the IGF-1 differently though, but I think the T3 really added to the effects. I just shot 100mcg of IGF-1 twice a week and had much better results than when I used it more often or in smaller amounts. I've almost got my body fat into the single digits again.

Joined: 7 years ago
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Awesome info bud. I am considering running IGF with my next cycle. Def interetsing to hear about the use every 3rd day since I have never heard of anyone doing that.

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Did you use the IGF for 1 month and continue the t3 usage for longer?

El Mucho
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Posted by: halfast
Did you use the IGF for 1 month and continue the t3 usage for longer?

Yeah, I ran the T3 a week longer than the IGF-1 and it really helped my PCT. The major difference that I notice now that I am a month into the off time is how much more vascularity I have. Granted that my bodyfat is low, but I always lose that veiny look when I get off the gear. I don't know why, but I think the IGF-1 is the culprit behind my looking and feeling so awesome this summer. I'm going to run IGF the same way at the end of all my cycles from now on.
