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Human Long3 IGF-I

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I have read that it is difficult for the average joe to reconstruct is this true???

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do you mean reconstitute??

no , that is old news--used to be thought as such

now it is supplied in BA for easy research experimentation

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Guys, I have what is probably a dumb question. The thing is, I have no practical experience with insulin pins, at all...

Based on much reading, mainly at MuscleChem, the following is my understanding of the consensus on the administration procedure:

1. use an insulin syringe, e.g. 29 gauge 1/2 inch 0.5cc

2. draw up about 10 units or so of bacteriostatic water

3. draw up the required dose of IGF (in BA) e.g. 50mcg

4. inject IM (preferably) e.g. biceps or triceps

Now the dumb question: My understanding is that insulin syringes do not have detachable needles. So, there is no way to change needles after drawing the liquids and before injecting. Therefore, by the time one injects, the needle will have gone through two rubber stoppers (the BW vial and the IGF vial.) Is this a problem?? I only ask because I have always, always been scrupulous about injecting AAS only with a completely virgin needle. With the proceedure outlined above, are there any hygiene issues? Issues with needle dullness?

Thanks very much in advance,

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Posted by: instynct999
do you mean reconstitute??

no , that is old news--used to be thought as such

now it is supplied in BA for easy research experimentation

yes that is what i ment..sorry about that....

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Ahhh, no problem grasshopper, we can fix this:
1. Draw out desired mcg from IGF. (Into a normal sized syringe)
2. Open a fresh slin pin and pull the plunger out.
3. Squirt the IGF in the now 'open' slin pin (this is called backloading)
4. Add about 80iu of bacstac water to make your injection painless and to assure that you 'rinse' all of the igf out of the barrel and into your delt, etc.

Good Luck,
any other questions, feel free to email

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Ah! Very clever. Thanks very much, IGF.

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I think I would have gained more than the 5 lbs in as many days if I had not been in PST and fighting weight loss from coming off my cycle.

I bought some Tb pins from animal, which are like slin pins but have removable needles. I drew with 20 gauge pins at first but noticed the dulling was no big deal so I just used the pin that came with the syringe. I sometimes used the same pin for both daily shots which means the second shot was the 6th puncture of a top or skin that day. No biggie. You can use a regular slin pin without removing the needle.

I recommend drawing some bac water in before the igf because it is easier to measure out an accurate dose that way. IGF comes suspended in BA and keeps a long time.

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Oh yea, I thought it blew insulin/gh totally out of the water.

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Posted by: Trevdog

I had a lot of fatigue during the day and slept more at night. The fatigue I dealt with by upping caffiene, but it was still an issue. Near the end of the 2 weeks I just shot at night and that helped. I had planned to go for a month but the wife and I had planned an anniversary weekend in SF for months, and I decided to cut it short rather than be tired that weekend.

Trev.. Could you elaborate more on the fatigue factor?..When you moved to taking a shot only at night was your sleep improved? Did you awake easy and rested?..

On my off/recovery days I'm tired enough as it is and having to deal with more of it would be intolerable...

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some animals also seem to get ravenous

all good signs

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Posted by: Trevdog
Oh yea, I thought it blew insulin/gh totally out of the water.

I'm missing the point of this post...was it to be a reply against someone else's post or are you saying IGF-1 gave you better results than GH/Slin?

If so, which IGF do you recommend...?

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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Posted by: Miggy
Trev.. Could you elaborate more on the fatigue factor?..When you moved to taking a shot only at night was your sleep improved? Did you awake easy and rested?..

On my off/recovery days I'm tired enough as it is and having to deal with more of it would be intolerable...

Sure I can elaborate. I was just pretty tired while I was using IGF long. It wasn't unbearable, I had no problems training. I always take ephedrine before I lift and it gave me the usual boost. I usually train around 8 or 9 in the am, I would do a post workout shot of IGF with a bit of humalog (don't try this at home but I know my body). I'd work as usual, but I found I usually needed to brew some coffee to get through the day. I often got real tired around dinnertime and afterwards. I'd go to bed earlier than usual, I had another shot of straight IGF long before bed. I slept great. I can't say I awoke easy and rested, but that wasn't atypical for me. I'm an insomniac. I slept well on IGF.

I switched to shooting only before bed hoping to lessen the daytime fatigue and I did feel less tired during the day. My sleep couldn't improve any more since I had already been sleeping soundly.

I could have continued and would have but for the factors I explained above. I doubt that you will find the fatigue "intolerable", I would encourage you to give it a try. The results certainly justified the fatigue I experienced. I really feel IGF long is going to prove very popular in the future.

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Posted by: Tazmaniac
I'm missing the point of this post...was it to be a reply against someone else's post or are you saying IGF-1 gave you better results than GH/Slin?

If so, which IGF do you recommend...?

I was replying to someone above who asked me to compare the two. I definately felt that Long IGF-1 R3 gave me better results than GH/slin. Mind you, I did shoot some humulag with my IGF, which is not recommended due to the increased danger of hypogylcemia.

I haven't tried any other version of IGF and I see no reason to now that the long version is available.

I did experience a substantial increase in my appetite from the IGF, I seemed to crave carbs especially. This is one of the reasons why I feel IGF would be great to run with a bulking cycle, I always have problems getting all the food in.

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Hey Trevdog..........Would you reccomend someone in their mid 40's to use this..............Or would you suggest that I stick with GH?

Peace Out!

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Can you elaborate on your bf/lean mass probable ratio differential due to IGF? Did it provide strength gains? Help with joints, etc? I appreciate your posts...they are very interesting, and I'm glad to read them.

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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