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HGH question

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Hi all,

Last year I was diagnosed with hypogonadism. After months of weekly Testosterone injections, other than some acne on my back, I really didn't feel much better.

I had my dr. do a full workup including a spot urine growth hormone test. Everything came back normal except that my growth hormone was low (i don't have the numbers yet - in the mail). This was troubling as my testosterone is at the high normal range and typically that brings up GH a bit.

Long story short, I have been prescribed GH but that stuff is really expensive through my Dr. Are there any legitimate online pharmacies I can get my prescription filled at a reasonable price? The place I checked was like $500 a month :/

Do you think I need to keep supplementing with testosterone or should I give the GH a chance to perhaps correct the issues I was having there?

Thanks for the advice! My Dr. hasn't been terribly informative on my options and with all the bad press on "anti-aging", I think he is being conservative on advice and overthetop on cost?

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

You would probably do better getting it from a local pharmacy.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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How many mgs were your test injects?

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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It took some trial and error to get to a physiologic test level, but we eventually got a good level with about 80mg per week of test cyp. We were as high as 150 when I started but that had me well above normal and probably getting too much E2.

As for the GH, what is a reasonable monthly cost for 1IU per day? My Dr. wants $450 but I can't afford that.

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well i you are willing to go grey market, you can get quality gh (jintropin) for ~$250-$350 for 100 ius,

it is unlikely that you can stop the testosterone and replace them with gh. my understanding is that gh will slightly increase your test but most likely not get you back into normal range. see my post on gh i posted last night.


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Do you know what the difference between generic blue tops vs name brand jinotropin is other than cost?

Joined: 7 years ago
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Posted by: bikerider233
Do you know what the difference between generic blue tops vs name brand jinotropin is other than cost?

The difference is supposed to be similar to Tylenol and Acetaminophen. Although in this area, one might not want to consider whether shopping for a bargain is a smart idea.

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~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

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I would rather not go grey market at this point in time. Does $450 a month for 1IU, 6 days per week sound like a lot? I am under the impression it should be about $200-$250 per month at that dosage.

The Dr. I am seeing has tried to gouge me before by charging $90 a month for HCG when I got the same amount from for $38.

Any suggested legit online pharm I can go through?
