hgb tester vs hct t...
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hgb tester vs hct tester

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Can you use a hgb tester just as effectivly as a hct tester(zipocrit)? I will be doing epo later on next year and it would be nice not to have to pull blood with insulin needles.

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I use both ,even with Hb tester u have to stick a lancet in the end of ur finger it hurts more than an IV shot.If I am using E IV my most accurate Hb readings were obtained from IV blood anyway. M/track

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I think i would prefer a lancet. I dont mind injecting, but pulling blood makes me feel wierd. I will not be pushing the limits while on epo so would it give me an accurate enough reading with a hb meter?

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Posted by: door
I think i would prefer a lancet. I dont mind injecting, but pulling blood makes me feel wierd. I will not be pushing the limits while on epo so would it give me an accurate enough reading with a hb meter?

Hct is approx 3x Hb so a good zip will prob be more accurate than a Hb tester.I have an analogue(manual) Hb tester .I suppose if u had a top-end digital tester with an accuracy of 98% then it would be. M/track

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I will buy a zipocrit, but can i still use a lancet. I know it is not as accurate, but how much of a difference can there be?

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No. There will not be enough blood to fill the milar tube(s). Your finger prick may clot well before you get enough blood.

It's NOT a complicated process to get blood from a vein. There have been several posts on the subject. It's a little tough to do the first couple of times but it gets easier.

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Do you guys think a STAT-Site MHgB tester would be any good? It only takes one drop of blood. If it does not i will just go for the zipo. Thanks

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I've got one and it is pretty good. It sometimes gets a wacky reading so I retest and it gets a good one. I often test 2 or 3 times to be sure i get 2 identical readings. It was within 0.4% HCt when I had a lab to a draw for comparison as I neared 50%. I reccommend getting a quality lab to give you baseline numbers then figuring out mathematically how you anticipate your response to E to go ( I was almost exactly 1%hct = 12,000iu E) then follow that program to get you to what you think should be half way to your goal testing with your Hgb monitor to make sure you aren't having a strange reaction along the way. Then get a lab test again on the same day you test Hgb and calculate your margin of error and proceed accordingly. remember it is science after all.

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Hct and Hb readings will sometimes vary,like better says u will get a feeling if the reading is wrong and then u re-test,some readings are innacurate even from labs,experience will give u the practical ability to test to the highest degree of accuracy. More so than the labs .M/track
