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HCG Pre Contest

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Hi everyone,

I was once a member of this board (under it's old name) and found it to be the most educated board on the net. So, i'm back with a new account.

Anyways, here's the question. I'll be doing my first show this summer so i'm beginning to get things together for a 16 week contest prep. I've got a trainer lined up who i'll begin with about that point, but there are some immediate issues I feel like some of the veterans here might be able to help me with. I've become used to running HCG the last two weeks of my cycle at 250-500 IU EOD. This time around i'll be ending my cycle with the day of my contest, but I still wanted to run HCG in the cycle so I will recover nicely.

Will this make me retain water? I know HCG doesn't aromatize directy, but will the raising of my test levels cause water retention. Obviously, this is the last I want come show time LOL

Here's what my PCT looks like starting the day after the show (will be running short ester drugs).

clomid 150mg week 1 100 mg week 2 50 mg week 3
Nolvadex 40mg week 1 40 mg week 2 20 mg week 3

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What are you running up to the show... seams to me the small amount of test aromatising that your testes will be producing won't make any difference... Do you know you are much better off running HCG throughout the cycle instead of just at the end... letting the testes shut down in the first place makes recovering much harder....

Check out the PCT forum for my sticky


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Visions, there seems to be many conflicting opinions on this. Some experts, such as yourself, say running it throughout the cycle is the way to go, while others (such as Dave Palumbo) say it's completely useless. From what I hear, HCG usage is pretty much based on personal preference. I may try out your method - sub Q poking shouldn't be a big deal.

I'll be using Sustanex at the beginning of my cycle, transitioning over to prop the last six weeks. These are the only drugs that have any REAL potential of aromatizing. Not so much worried about the 400mg of EQ the last 10 weeks lol Will be taking arimidex at .5mg ED or EOD depending on how things are going.

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Just think of this... why run the risk of not recovering after the cycle because of being shut down too hard when you can keep the testes working and never shut down... Logic and the clinical studies tells me to never let them shut down in the first place... What Dave does may work well for him but I have had many guys come to me after their cycles and couldn't recover because they allowed shut down...

I would like to see his protocol for PCT and HCG ...

As for the HCG causing problems for the show I can't see that happening since you'll already be on Test anyway...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

Eating Machine
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I'm going to say my .02 is to definitely use the hcg throug out. I find that it keeps my mood more balanced, I gain more strength and pct is a snap. I've been using hcg throughout my cycles since my second cycle.

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I guess i'm going to be giving this a shot. Thinking about keeping a journal here on the board about my progress.
