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i wasnt sure where to put this one, but wanted to get some insite.

a female competator i know and i were talking about several different subjects the other day and she mentioned something that gives me concern.

we were discussing things like how our birth contol methods have been influenced by competition and supplemtation (we both have IUDs-mine is a recent addition) and different compounds for leaning down.

She was telling me she has had great results with HCG at which point i became a little concerned.

Considering HCG is a fertility drug for women and her birth control method is an IUD isnt having those two things together in her body a recepie for an ectopic pregnancy?

i asked her if she was worried about that and she pretty much laughed. I'm very concerned so i tried to get some info on ectopic pregnancy/IUDs/HCG and couldnt find anything.

Folks, let me know your thoughts, i think she's gonna end up hurting herself.


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Posted by: longlegs
i wasnt sure where to put this one, but wanted to get some insite.

a female competator i know and i were talking about several different subjects the other day and she mentioned something that gives me concern.

we were discussing things like how our birth contol methods have been influenced by competition and supplemtation (we both have IUDs-mine is a recent addition) and different compounds for leaning down.

She was telling me she has had great results with HCG at which point i became a little concerned.

Considering HCG is a fertility drug for women and her birth control method is an IUD isnt having those two things together in her body a recepie for an ectopic pregnancy?

i asked her if she was worried about that and she pretty much laughed.I'm very concerned so i tried to get some info on ectopic pregnancy/IUDs/HCG and couldnt find anything.

Folks, let me know your thoughts, i think she's gonna end up hurting herself.


And why is she running HCG again?

Back in the 70s HCG was the most widespread obesity medication administered in the United States. However it was not approved by the FDA for that purpose nor is there any substantial evidence to support the fact that it enhanced weight loss beyond calorie restrictions. It was also believed to create a more "normal" distribution of body fat...another myth. Its amazing what some women would do rather than focus on their cardio and diet.


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she competed YEARS ago but doesnt anymore due to some health issues. She is on gear legitimatly for her health issues and it has caused her to gain weight (she responds in weird ways and is a bit of a medical anomoly). we didnt really get into why she chose that drug for leaning out, but what are your thoughts on the ectopic pregnancy issue? isnt she just stacking the deck for that to happen?


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I see what you are saying and I think you raise a very good point. You see an IUD does increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy and in women, injectable HCG allows for ovulation since it influences the last stages of the development of the ovum, thus stimulating ovulation. It also helps produce estrogens and yellow bodies. I think if she is premenopausal, yes, she would be increasing the risks of a pregnancy which otherwise would be quite rare with an IUD. However if she is post menopause, she is not any more prone to an ectopic pregnancy as any other woman with an IUD who is not on any form of hormonal therapy.


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how old is she? if she is older then she probably isnt worried about getting pregnant...

*Disclaimer*: 'GiantKilr' is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by 'GiantKilr' is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Posted by: giantkilr
how old is she? if she is older then she probably isnt worried about getting pregnant...

she's in her early 40s and has had kids already.she's not post menopausal though, caus if she were, there would be no need for her to have the IUD as birth control.

i know IUDs are very popular for bc among women who train/compete/love the sport, also HCG is a very popular cutting tool.with that being the case there could be a higher instance of ectopic preganacy among FBBers than the general populace.

I'd be curious to know how that's panned out.OR since most FBBers (even with IUDs and using HCG) would likely be on other gear as well, would the other gear combat the fretility aspect of the HCG?

I'm really getting curious about this?i'd love to ask my doc but there's NO way he'd believe that i wasnt thinking of using the HCG myself, lol.

NOT gonna happen especially now that i havde this idea in my head.


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Well you would have to be menstruating ie. ovulating for that to be a problem at all. Sometimes even a little Anavar will disrupt a woman's cycle so I highly doubt any women with sense would run HCG for fat loss with all the other tools out there to accomplish that, especially when there is no medical study that proves that it even does THAT. HCG has no benefit to women at all quite frankly. So i do not foresee anyone running HCG without other drugs that will almost definitely induce amenorrhea, and HCG does not rectify a hormonal imbalance. Even though HCG is secreted by a woman's body when she is pregnant, i have never heard of HCG being prescribed to women for fertility issues. I know clomid is alot more popular with the women than HCG is to address that. You sure you are not referring to Clomid Legs?


Bodybuilder * Grappler * Olympic Weight Lifter
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i was under the impression it was a fertility drug. i'll have to look into some stuf though.

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Posted by: longlegs
i was under the impression it was a fertility drug.i'll have to look into some stuf though.

For men. It raises their test count. Not used by the ladies especially not that purpose.


Bodybuilder * Grappler * Olympic Weight Lifter
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well dont i sound like a dip shit opps

