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Cauliflower Ear
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Hey bros,
Haven't started a thread in a while and wanted to throw this one out there for people with EXPERIENCE ( dont want your opinion unless you have experience). I got 400iu of generic blue tops coming in. I am gonna run 4iu or 5iu eod. I haven't decided. I have used jino's (only 2 boxes) and 400iu of hygetropin and got great results.
Questions for the bros

1) Since i am running EOD, do i have to worry about my body developing antibodies to the gh. (either mine or synthetic) I know that it is 192aa and is not natural, but with the eod protocall will i be okay?

2) I am between 4iu and 5iu right now because i dont want to leave it reconstituted in the fridge for too long. I have heard that with the 192aa strain it is less stable. So if I shot 5iu eod...i could reconstitute one morning...shoot 2 1/2iu twice that day...then wait a day and then shoot another 2 1/2iu twice the 3rd it would only be reconstituted for 3 days for the last shot. that way it wouldnt degrade at all. If i went 4iu eod...the last 2 iu would be in the bottle 5 days later...what do you guys think 4iu eod for 200 days or 5iu eod for 160?

3) I got a couple BIG fights coming up in april and I dont want to be on t3 during that time cause i have heard that it can be bad for cardio. Would you guys suggest going on T3 for a month or so( cause i get my gh in a week)...or should i wait for after my fight in april?

4) Also, i am not for sure if the blue tops i am getting are 191 or 192 i am just assuming they are 192.

I really appreciate all the experience in advance... I know many of the bros have recomended blue tops cause of the price and quantity...

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

Cauliflower Ear
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Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

Cauliflower Ear
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bump...mtrack, uphill,....jb?

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Not sure about 192aa, 191 is good for 7-10 days if reconstituted with good bacteriostatic water, don't use the junk it comes with.

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why the eod protocol? I would be concerned that the sides will increase with the increase dosage. Your serum levels of gh will drop dramatically on the days off while the serum highs will be much higher. You could do 2-3 iu/day and avoid the potential sides.

I have had very good luck with the blue tops.



Pharmacokinetics and short-term metabolic effects of mammalian cell-derived biosynthetic human growth hormone in man.Zeisel HJ, von Petrykowski W, Wais U.
University Children's Hospital, Freiburg, FRG.

The pharmacokinetics and acute effects of an authentic recombinant DNA-derived human growth hormone (rhGH) produced by genetically engineered mammalian cells were determined in 12 healthy volunteers following intravenous (i.v.), intramuscular (i.m.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of 4 IU (1.3 mg) hGH/m2 body surface area. Following i.v. administration, apparent elimination half-life of rhGH was 18 min. Following i.m. administration, a mean peak serum concentration of 36.9 ng/ml (range 13-61 ng/ml) occurred at 3 h, and following s.c. administration, more sustained but lower serum concentrations occurred, with mean peak concentrations of 16.4 and 16.3 ng/ml at 4 and 6 h (ranges 9.0-27.5 ng/ml and 6.5-35.5 ng/ml at 4 and 6 h, respectively). The mean area under the curves was lower after s.c. (134 +/- 48 than after i.m. (194 +/- 48 injections (p < 0.03). Comparable results were obtained for the same dose of rhGH given subcutaneously in concentrations of either 4 IU/ml or 10 IU/ml. Both i.m. and s.c. administrations caused similar increases in free fatty acids at 4 h and insulin-like growth factor I at 24 h. Insulin, C-peptide and blood glucose were almost unchanged during the first 4 h after administration, whereas leukocytes increased significantly (p < 0.0001). Local and systemic tolerance were good, and no adverse reactions were observed. In a GH-deficient child,HGH serum levels between 10 and 20 ng/ml were demonstrated for a period of 8 h after s.c. administration of 0.07 IU rhGH/kg body weight.

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Growth hormone therapy with a new delivery system.Jorgensen JT, Susgaard S.
Medical Department/Growth Factors, Biopharmaceuticals Division, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark.

Until recently the general regimen for treatment of growth hormone deficient (GHD) children consisted of 2 to 3 intramuscular (i.m.) injections per week using conventional syringes and vials. However, studies within the last 5-10 year have shown that by dividing the same total weekly dosage into daily subcutaneous (s.c.) injections it is possible to achieve a significantly increased growth rate. To make it more feasible for the patients and the parents to cope with this increased number of injections, an injection pen system (Nordiject) for administration of B-hGH has been developed. The Nordiject pen has been investigated both with respect to patient acceptance and bioavailability of the B-hGH (Norditropin) injected with the device. Twenty-seven children with growth retardation were included in a study. The patients had no problems with the handling of the pen and approximately 2/3 of them experienced less injection pain with the pen compared to the syringe. Those patients who had previously been using conventional syringes strongly preferred the pen, and all wished to continue using the device. Fourteen adult GHD patients were included in a randomized cross-over study for investigation of bioavailability. Two separate s.c. injections of 4 IU of B-hGH (Norditropin) each were administered in random order by means of either syringe (4IU/ml) or injection pen (Nordiject) (12 IU/ml). On the basis of this study it was concluded that the bioavailability of B-hGH, measured as AUC, Cmax, and tmax, is equal following injection with the pen to that of injection by syringe.

Cauliflower Ear
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yeah..i just have heard that it is way easier to recover if you shoot EOD...
How about the T3 question

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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Re: Gh

Posted by: Cauliflower Ear
Hey bros,
Haven't started a thread in a while and wanted to throw this one out there for people with EXPERIENCE ( dont want your opinion unless you have experience). I got 400iu of generic blue tops coming in. I am gonna run 4iu or 5iu eod. I haven't decided. I have used jino's (only 2 boxes) and 400iu of hygetropin and got great results.
Questions for the bros

1) Since i am running EOD, do i have to worry about my body developing antibodies to the gh. (either mine or synthetic) I know that it is 192aa and is not natural, but with the eod protocall will i be okay?

2) I am between 4iu and 5iu right now because i dont want to leave it reconstituted in the fridge for too long. I have heard that with the 192aa strain it is less stable. So if I shot 5iu eod...i could reconstitute one morning...shoot 2 1/2iu twice that day...then wait a day and then shoot another 2 1/2iu twice the 3rd it would only be reconstituted for 3 days for the last shot. that way it wouldnt degrade at all. If i went 4iu eod...the last 2 iu would be in the bottle 5 days later...what do you guys think 4iu eod for 200 days or 5iu eod for 160?

3) I got a couple BIG fights coming up in april and I dont want to be on T3 during that time cause i have heard that it can be bad for cardio. Would you guys suggest going on T3 for a month or so( cause i get my gh in a week)...or should i wait for after my fight in april?

4) Also, i am not for sure if the blue tops i am getting are 191 or 192 i am just assuming they are 192.

I really appreciate all the experience in advance... I know many of the bros have recomended blue tops cause of the price and quantity...

the blue tops are 191, not 192 just like jin and hyde
(got 2600i.u. hyde in the fridge).

First off you need to run your gh ED. 5 on 2 off, 6 on 1 off, never after 8pm, all that stuff is kinda old school.
I shoot 8 i.u gh ed and i shoot it whehn i remember to, but try to avoid it late @ night before bedtime.

YOu can leave it reconstituted in the fridge for 30 days as long as you use bac water. sterile water is good for 24 hours, so quite sweating that's it's not going to be good.
If blue tops work for you, great.
But remember their purity level is only about 89-92% where as hygetropin is 97-98%, and for the 30-40 cents extra an i.u. that the hyge costs i'd go w/ it nect time.
It won't bother your cardio, so take it now.
The longer you run gh the better, i always say 6 months minimum.
I can't tell you how many studies i've reead where long term use igf and testesterone values where so much higher than short term use.

I have a shit ton of Gh experience and am a MOD on 2 different steroid boards so please don't let my newness scare you off
Hollar back if you need anything else

Cauliflower Ear
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Re: Re: Gh

Posted by: supplychain
the blue tops are 191, not 192 just like jin and hyde
(got 2600i.u. hyde in the fridge).

First off you need to run your gh ED. 5 on 2 off, 6 on 1 off, never after 8pm, all that stuff is kinda old school.
I shoot 8 i.u gh ed and i shoot it whehn i remember to, but try to avoid it late @ night before bedtime.

YOu can leave it reconstituted in the fridge for 30 days as long as you use bac water. sterile water is good for 24 hours, so quite sweating that's it's not going to be good.
If blue tops work for you, great.
But remember their purity level is only about 89-92% where as hygetropin is 97-98%, and for the 30-40 cents extra an i.u. that the hyge costs i'd go w/ it nect time.
It won't bother your cardio, so take it now.
The longer you run gh the better, i always say 6 months minimum.
I can't tell you how many studies i've reead where long term use igf and testesterone values where so much higher than short term use.

I have a shit ton of Gh experience and am a MOD on 2 different steroid boards so please don't let my newness scare you off
Hollar back if you need anything else

Wow Bro, fuckin great info, Yeah so guess what, my source is the homie and owes me for some business i have gotten him and he just upgraded me to 400iu of hygetropin for FREE!!! so i got hygetropin coming and I was gonna run 4iu eod for 200 days...that is almost 7 months I though that would be good cause I am still pretty young and am releasing some gh 23. You say that I have to run the ED protocall? Ulter and all those guys at elite and anabolic fitness say that eod is better...threre are good amounts of data behind that...I dont want to gain too much weight..honestly i just want my joints to grow and heal...get some good recovery and maybe like 2-3 lbs of solid muscle after the 7 months...What do you guys think?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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4i.u. eod or 2i.u. ed isn't going to slap the muscle on you, i don't care how long you run it.
So i wouldn't be worried about going up to another weight class if that is what you're thinking.
6 of 1 and 1/2 dozen of another, opinions are like assholes and everyone has one.
so run it how you want to and what you think feels best.
Keep in mind anytime you introduce a hormone or steroid into your system it's all about trying to maintain a constant level. Thats why you don't pyramid anabolic up and down during a cycle.
Same w/ gh. Everyday administration,i believe will leave you better off and w/ less overall sides.
If you take GH upon first waking up or even divide it into split doses(which really isn't necessary @ only 2 or 4 i.u. ed) by the time you go to bed and enter you REM cycle of sleep your natural production shouldn't be affected.
Thats why some say take it eod, so as not to shut yourself down naturally, but it's a little overkill.
Do whatever works for you

...And in less you're in dire need to cut weight avoid t3.
I know A LOT of people are for it but its just an unnecessary risk you need to take in order to drop weight that can permanently shut down t3 production.

TSH stimulates your thyroid which in turns stimulates your anterior pituitary to produce t3, by taking synthetic t3 you suffer a risk of permanently shutting that down or down regulating your normal thyroid production after coming off synthetic.

Which means your BMR goes to shit and you have to take a thyroid supplement your entire life. Good times!!

DNP is a far more dangerous substance initially, but has no long term effects or risk of shutting down anything in your system. And if done right can be extremely safe.
clen is also an option if you don't mind taking a CNS.
Although Clen raises your BMR by approx. 10%, and you should run 2 weeks on 2 off it is also dangerous if you have any pre existing heart conditions or murmurs.

HAve you every though about taking cheqe drops or some halo immediately before a fight and the days leading up to it. I mena HOLY SHIT, if you want aggression and super human strength increases that is the route to take.

Cauliflower Ear
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Have you seen the article at of the gh eod doseing...they ran it for 2 years...the same amount of growth per week...but half of them ran it 4iu ed and the other half ran 8iu eod...the ones at 8iu eod gained the same muscle and recoverd quicker when then came off. I am in the middle of my weight class so i would like to put on a few there any way you would recomend me take think 5:2 would be better?
If I got another 200iu of hyge and ran 4iu on the 5 on 2 off schedual then I could run the 600iu for 5on 2 off for 30 just over 7 months....I will be doing a couple low dose test based cycles during that time. (I like to be on test when i fight) Do you think at the end of the 30 week period i could have put on 3lbs of solid muscle...thansk supply i appreciate it

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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Posted by: Cauliflower Ear
Have you seen the article at of the gh eod doseing...they ran it for 2 years...the same amount of growth per week...but half of them ran it 4iu ed and the other half ran 8iu eod...the ones at 8iu eod gained the same muscle and recoverd quicker when then came off. I am in the middle of my weight class so i would like to put on a few there any way you would recomend me take think 5:2 would be better?
If I got another 200iu of hyge and ran 4iu on the 5 on 2 off schedual then I could run the 600iu for 5on 2 off for 30 just over 7 months....I will be doing a couple low dose test based cycles during that time. (I like to be on test when i fight) Do you think at the end of the 30 week period i could have put on 3lbs of solid muscle...thansk supply i appreciate it

training, diet, cardio, protein intake....all that is going to determine how much muscle you out on.
Bottom line is GH creates new muscle cells, so yes you will put on muscle
600i.u. isn't that much in all reality.
Remember that most of that gh studies you read about are done on gh deficient children, taking anywhere from 30-45 i.u. ED.

All the newer studies, and remember these are done in children mostly suggest that ed gh administration is the better route to go w/ overall increased test production and igf levels over time.

Cauliflower Ear
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so what do you suggest is the best route for me to go...i just know that for me test gains go up and down...obviously being the greatest at the end of the cycle...but having new cells...well those just don't go away right? can you suggest a growth cycle for me...i am a college money is kind of a factor...but i would like to put on 5 lbs of keepable weight over time that wont go protien intake is around 180grams a day...whole food and bars...not many shakes..if i do a shake it is on top of the 180 grams of chicken steak and tuna i eat....would you say 4iu 5 on 2 off would be good if i could run it a year?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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Posted by: Cauliflower Ear
so what do you suggest is the best route for me to go...i just know that for me test gains go up and down...obviously being the greatest at the end of the cycle...but having new cells...well those just don't go away right? can you suggest a growth cycle for me...i am a college money is kind of a factor...but i would like to put on 5 lbs of keepable weight over time that wont go protien intake is around 180grams a day...whole food and bars...not many shakes..if i do a shake it is on top of the 180 grams of chicken steak and tuna i eat....would you say 4iu 5 on 2 off would be good if i could run it a year?

sell the gh AND DO AN AAS CYCLE FOR 1/5TH AS MUCH $$$

Given your age you are allso a little young to be running gh, but if you allready have thean fine.
GH is the last thing you run when $$ is an issue.
Run a cutting cycle of prop or phenlyprop w/ Anavar and maybe a little tren hex for some size.
Throw in some halo the last 2 or 3 weeks if you really want a little extra kick and i guarantee you'll put on a keepable 6+ lbs of muscle

Cauliflower Ear
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yeah bro, i run test a lot...i have gotten gains from it...but i have seemed to plateau on it. I am not running super high doses bu i have gotten up to 500mg ew of test prop...I have also run eq 600mg ew...var 75mg ed, i have run winny 50 mg ed, deca 400mg ew, muitiple other tests...enanthate, cyp,...and dont get me wrong i have gotten gains...but hyperplasma or whatever...making more cells is what i want to go for..A lot of fighters love it for recovery...they also say that overtime it makes you more dense and your punching power goes up. I am on test right now and am finishing up a 15 weeker at 350mg ew test prop. I would like to get what some of these guys are talking about. Cheque drops are weak imho and yes ....i love halo at 20mg ed 10 days leading up to fight...I still want to run growth...and the gains that i got when i ran growth the first time along with my aas cycles helped me keep my gains in my experience...Made it so i could train twice a day too. Let me know what you the way i do appreciate the advice and experience very much!

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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