EPO users lack cour...
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EPO users lack courage

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Anyone who uses performance-enhancing drugs lacks the courage or the know how to be a real man. It takes balls to sit at home when your friends are out and to train harder than everyone else.

Then to show up on the line to race and to know regardless of what you achieve that day you really achieved it and it is real. It is a jersey you can hang on the wall with pride, or a medal that you can show to your kids and grandchildren.

By doping you ruin all of that, you become a fake, a fraud, and your entire career as an athlete is fake. Nothing means anything, yes, you may win a few races, and get a few fake friends but at the end of the day does it really matter?

I won 2 yellow jerseys without doping, and I have also doped so I know both sides of what it feels like. I know that doping destroys your self-esteem and leads to other recreational drugs and lifestyle that will hurt a lot of people who love you.

If you want to be a "swinger", and have a lot of fake friends and make a million dollars a year, you can do that. It won't mean shit to me, or any other "real" sportsman.

If you dope, I believe it is a mistake and I feel that if you don't see it that way, one day you will. Maybe not for many years, but some point in your life, maybe at your death bed when you realize that nothing you did was ever meaningful. Yeah, you might fool a couple people into buying your story, but you will forever be a fake.

That is a fate I will never have. Everything I achieve, I will be proud of and it will mean something to me that I can build off of, and improve my life and learn something from that I can take intot he after life or whatever happens.

Lifes lessons, yes we all make mistakes, but just think about it before you go shooting yourself full of some b.s. crap that some doctor is selling you so he can drive a porsche, or some coach or team or sponsor is just using you to make millions off and when it hits the fan, and you test positive or get involved in a doping scandal.

They will let you go to jail in shame. Just like Balco when Victor Conte got 4 months but Marion Jones will get 6 months. She has no life, and yes the USOC knew she was doping, everyone in the "system" said yeah, good girl make daddy some money and we will throw you in the big monkey show, but at the end of the day she is crying and her reputation but more importantly to herself she knows she is a loser. A real loser.

To wake up everyday and dope, is to know that you a loser. You will say to yourself many things to trick yourself into beliving otherwise, but in reality there are others out there racing with honor and intergrity.

Your children will know it, your wife will know it, and you will be sitting there in a big empty house, with a big empty heart and that is a fact.

Llife is not easy, but just really think about it before you shoot up to ruin sports and yourself.

I have a good friend who believed in all of that, and I believed it with him and the last time I spoke to him he was living in the woods on drugs.

Think about it...

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Welcome to the CEM board. NICE FIRST POST! I hope you feel better now that you've confessed your sins and at the same time cast stones at people that may or may not be doing what you did.

Doping leads to other recreational drugs? Is this your opinion or is this a fact?

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So you're saying that you can be a good and real person even after doing drugs but no one else can do the same, they'll be fakes and losers in whatever they do? That is pretty...what's the word again?

In some circumstances it's not a matter of believing or not believing. However I believe that your intention is to make people stop doing doping and prevent people to ever do doping. Your post reminds me of drug education that is based on creating fear or guilt or whatever. This might work or it might lack all the credibility and not work at all.

You should read the whole "Where to begin" thread. In that thread you'll find maybe the best posts that prevent doping use.

EDIT: I've been very familiar with recreational drugs, especially alcohol, much before I ever learnt anything about PEDs. In this very limited case study it's pretty clear that it would be recreational drugs leading into doping use

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You make it seem as if all you need to do to be successful in sport is take drugs and money,fame will follow. I do compete in sports and never though about taking drugs. But after you post will be sure to stock up, always wonted a big house empty or not. Thanks for the tip my friend.

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Posted by: Fhugly
But after you post will be sure to stock up, always wonted a big house empty or not. Thanks for the tip my friend.

I would be happy with A house, big or small, empty or full

No honestly...I think this might form into a good thread. Moral issues are pretty big with doping and doping leads very easily into lying and so on.

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The good thing about having a big empty house is that i'll have loads of room to store my crack/cocain.

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I really admire what Stolen Underground is trying to accomplish, I wish there were more teams that were making a bold anti-doping movement. It's sad to see how deeply rooted doping culture runs in sports and it's sad to watch our heroes get brought down because of bad choices they have made. However, I do think that some drugs can help improve the quality of life of athletes and I would like to see some ethical debate as to when injecting an athlete deficient in a given hormone crosses the same line as a cashier stealing from the cash register.

I appreciate a voice of reason arguing both sides and I wish cycling teams could create team environments that were antidoping. I hope Stolen Underground gets their message across, but finds a better way that shaming us for our pasts. It's easier to change when you tell us we can compete clean instead of belittling us for our mistakes.

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I agree with thecommander. If taking PEDs is going to cause you mental anguish then you should NOT take them. If you are going to feel guilty then why put yourself through that. However, if you are interested in physiology and performance enhancement and not afraid to do things that people tell you are forbidden then maybe you could satisfy your curiosity. Perhaps an individual can decide for himself what is and is not an acceptable risk.

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ye what ever

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Let me get this straight. You former PED user...yes? So you decide to write this crazy post..first post I might add, and chastise the people on this broad that may or may not use PEDs? Am I right so far?

I might have to agree with Moto on this one. I'm no psychologist but it might be a more effective to use this broad to describe your past experiences instead of bashing the people on the board. You know what they say.."you can catch more flies with honey..blah blah blah".

I'm sure if you would have wrote about your experiences and what happened to your life and gave a more planned out argument for your cause more people would have responded positively to your post.

I also know a lot of people who use PEDs for better performance at jobs with a high physical demand, which is exactly why I started. Yes I understand your "mission" and I respect that and which you and your team well, but you might want to change your approach angle a bit.

And the individuals that I know that are using are very healthy individuals that would not even step foot in a bar/tavern, or smoke, let alone recreational drugs. And I think with a bit more research on this board in particular you will find many more of these type of people. Good luck man and welcome to CEM.

BKK117 Flying somewhere in the USA.
"Helicopter pilots don't fly, they beat the air into submission!"
