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epo shipping and storage?

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how long can epo be in transit/storage without ice? will it be worthless or only degrade slightly?

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Recormon by Roche does not require refridgeration. There are other freeze dried epo brands that does not require refridgeration. Google will help you out.


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from this question...i assume that you located some of the BIG E.
i know we are restricted from saying to much about that. guess thats here nor there.

if it's procrit or epogen...it needs to stay cool. i don't think it's the end of the world if get's slightly room temp (for a brief period). long story... but i had some stashed in the fridge and my old room mate went on a cleaning spree...and my goodies got thrown in the super-can out in the back alley. guess you can imagin...when i came home and found out...i did a little super-can/trash can diving. Actually, i FREAKED because as you know that shit aint cheap even at a good deal. in the end it was pretty funny....because i couldn't tell him and i ran out back and basicaly dove head-first in the trash bin and started tearing things apart....it was rather nasty to say the least...smashed eggs and all.

another thing...if the person whom you are working w/ knows what they are doing...they will ship it w/ cold packs. i've sent some to a friend from east to west and it was cool on arriaval.

if this is the case...keep in mind epo is a pretty big step. i'll be the first to say...i've only dabbled w/ it. i think some of the bros around here have got the impression that i'm dialed into the e program. to do it right... it takes some serious cash and THOUGHT when it come to epo.
good luck!

whatever it takes !!

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Wheelies Recormon does not require refridgeration? I think no is posible.. I read the recormon can be without cold during a time mKP of 5 day.
See you

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Posted by: zankete
Wheelies Recormon does not require refridgeration? I think no is posible.. I read the recormon can be without cold during a time mKP of 5 day.
See you

Thanks. I stand corrected. Actually, Recormon can be out at 25 degree celcius for only 3 days.

HemKP and EpomKP by Elanex is a freeze dried powder that does not require refridgeration.


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i have a question about E.....
if one were to go to mexico, would one be able to find any that is legit?

not asking for sources, just asking a simple question about mexico and what they have other than vet roids.

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from what i hear if you find a dr to write a rx fr yo you;re set. and that is much easier there than here.

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so if it is lyophilized then no refridgeration is needed untill reconstituted?
what is it called if it's not lyophilized ?

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Re: Thanks.

Posted by: Wheelies
Thanks. I stand corrected. Actually, Recormon can be out at 25 degree celcius for only 3 days.

HemKP and EpomKP by Elanex is a freeze dried powder that does not require refridgeration.


HemKP is made by Bio-Sidus , Argentina.Can be kept at room temp ;but should be stored between 2 and 8 celsius even B4 reconstitution and must B after recon. M/track

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Re: Re: Thanks.

Posted by: madtrack
HemKP is made by Bio-Sidus , Argentina.Can be kept at room temp ;but should be stored between 2 and 8 celsius even B4 reconstitution and must B after recon. M/track

According to an online pharmacy.....HemKP is a freeze dried powder that comes with a separate solvent and could be stored at room temperature. This made sense to me because they claim that they can ship to the US from overseas.

I think (not positive) that Elanex Pharma owns the rights to erythropoetin omega and Bio-Sidus is licensed to produce HemKP by Elanex.


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You can keep HemKP at room temp; but they reccomend storing for longer periods at 2-8 celcius.HemKP is produced in Argentina under its own licence. I have usedit and it seems to b ok ; but u never kniw when u buy gear from foreign (semi-dodgy) sources. M/track. Also even tho. it is not controlled and is sched.3 only.If customs grab it they will want u to show them a perscription B4 they will give it to you(this happened to me) prob. was HemKP was not registered with the Med. Council here ,Eprex is used here.The HemKP was confiscated and taken for analysis,lucky for me it was real EPO.

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Thanks Madtrack. I'm just doing research. I have not and don't plan on buying from overseas pharmacies.....too risky.

