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EPO and the Net

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Cauliflower Ear
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^^^^good questing....E veterens?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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Awright, if you flame me I understand....but I gotta ask.....

Say somebody like myself (clueless on this stuff) want to do this:

1mL Single-Dose, Preservative-free Solution
Each dosage is supplied in the following package:
Cartons containing ten (10) single-dose vials:
3000 Units/mL

But doesnt want to do the zip-crit etc. is this such a low dossage that I have little to no chance of getting maple-syrup blood?

Basically, Is this a low enough dossage that you dont have to worry about the zipcrit and all that mess? Or should I just stick to EQ to stimulate EPO?

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3Kiu dose wont work,M/track

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Well that takes care of that question....

Thanks MadTrack, in that case, I'll just stick to EQ @300mg....

Cauliflower Ear
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dude...eq never did shit for endurance for me

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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All the Eq does is lifts HCT, your repondsible for getting out there and doing the rest. AAS work but in correalation to a very intense and hard training program. If you don't train hard the doping won't do shit, well I shouldn't say that, it will help you maintain alot easier but it won't raise your fittness 1%, the training it will allow you to do will though, but you still have to do that training.

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Posted by: 55x12
HgB X 3 is pretty much your HCT.

EPO is a 2-3 week program to what any AAS can do in 10 -14 weeks at Base line dosages. I think the best avenue is to raise HCT through AAS's(if your not being tested) which can get you too the high 40's(47-49). Then find enough EPO @ 50IU PER/KG at 2-3(50iu/KG) hits a week for 3 weeks to do the rest. If you want to get even more indepth and have the $$$ AAS for 12 weeks, Attitude TENT and this is a awesome route for a rider who does get tested to raise HCT in the winter months then shift off with a good PCT to just the TENT to suport the HCT, along with a solid IRON/FOLIC ACID and B12 schedule. EPO is a mild PED but a very dangerous one. You monitor and see the increase FAST and the tempatation of more is good is there and can create a serious Health situation if not careful. AAS in mild baseline dosages that do not covert to Estrogen(EQ-Tren) are amazing choices. They act much like EPo buit again at alot slower rate, plus they with proper diet can enhance a positive envroment for strength/muscular gains. Where not talking Mr. Olympia but you can see a change all the same.


This is a great post. I'm not ready to take the step up to EPO yet but am interested in the benifit AAS has on HCT. When you say baseline doses can you be more specific? You mention EQ and Tren. I'm assuming you would be taking along with test as well. What dosage for each. thanks

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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Posted by: kataking

This is a great post. I'm not ready to take the step up to EPO yet but am interested in the benifit AAS has on HCT. When you say baseline doses can you be more specific? You mention EQ and Tren. I'm assuming you would be taking along with test as well. What dosage for each. thanks

Bump... I have wondered this myself... I know that it is strongly recommended to always use test with other AAS... but with the bloat and the increased hunger it makes me fat ... I just started an EQ/Mast cycle without test and I don't see any downsides yet. I wonder if the advice to always use test is from the weight lifters perspective... all I want is to be as light as possible, raise Hct, and maximize the strength from my puny endurance athlete muscles. Opinions???

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A few years ago i did EQ 18 week cycle 3-400mg P/W)with andriol or prop after training only(i did not use E)I did get shutdown after cycle and towards end of cycle ;but not bad.I increased Hb 1 g/dl(approx 3 %points Hct)M/track

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How important is it to test hemoglobin count? Seems like HCT is what needs to be monitored? Anybody have an answer.
Thanks Per

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