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EPO and the Net

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You can use a insulin needle. 8mm and draw right from a vein in your ankle foot area. Its really simple. Tie of the area with a tournaquet(To stop blood flow) around the lower calf of the leg you use. Find a nice juicy vein, insert your pin nd pull back til you have 20-30 units of blood, about a 1/4 of a cc(ml) Then transfer to your tubes balance your zipo and run.

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I think the finger is fine. I'm sure using an in pin and drawing from a vein is simple. I've just never seen the need for it.

Cauliflower Ear
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huh, wht do you use to prick your finger?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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Go to the drug store and buy lancets. get the smallest gauge(fattest neddle) you can find.

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Don't you find that the blood is difficult to place in the the Hematocrit tubes?. The opening is tough to place a needle into, doens't it over flow onto the outside of the tubes on ocassion?. Anyhow if it works for you it works for you. Be safe.

Cauliflower Ear
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can you just put the capilary tube on the cut and it will fill? does a 29 gauge fit into the capillary tube

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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[Guys come on!

when you draw off the blood, open the syringe out or let some blood run from the puncture site and place one end of the capilary tube just on the surface of the blood, the other end of the capilary tube should also be open, not plugged (yet) the blood will run freely up the capilary tube, by capilary action.

when filled to line, lift off and plug the oppisite end to that where you drew the blood up, place in centrifuge and BINGO!



QUOTE]Originally posted by 55x12
Don't you find that the blood is difficult to place in the the Hematocrit tubes?. The opening is tough to place a needle into, doens't it over flow onto the outside of the tubes on ocassion?. Anyhow if it works for you it works for you. Be safe.

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You don't even need to fill to the line if you don't want to.

Cauliflower Ear
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dont have to fil to the line huh? is ther a distance you should fill to?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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No its all relative

so if the column is 20mm high

and the RBCs are 100mm

thats 50% Hct

So measure the total column height in millimetres or micrometers (thats the blood with serum on top) that = 100% measure the
RBCs in the same units. the RBC measurement divide by the RBC measurement X 100 = % Hct


Posted by: dario
You don't even need to fill to the line if you don't want to.

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Right, it will show on the reader card.

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does anybody have trouble with an air bubble formining between the clay and the start of the blood in the tube? i have done this quite a few times and it screws up the reading....any advice?

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Superman88: Flatten the clay on a plate. Turn the plate sideways(vertical). Tilt the capillary tube until the blood runs to one end and ready to come out. Insert that end of the tube into the clay plate. The more blood you can get into the tubes the higher the accuracy. I try to leave no more than 1/4 inch of empty space after filling and inserting the clay.

Others: I have tried the finger prick method.......I can't get enough blood to come out of finger tips into the tubes. It is nearly painless to get blood from a vein in the ankles, feet, or arms with a 29 guage insulin syringe. It is tough and nerve racking the first couple of times but it will be much more accurate than finger pricks.


Cauliflower Ear
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fuck i really dont want to do it...but i will hahah,

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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Hey bros my crit is 50% after 40K in 3 weeks. It's been 2 days since I hit; how long will a persons crit continue to rise after the last dose. I want to get to 55% and maintain.


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