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Epo ?

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EPO (erytroprotein sp? ) has any use in bodybuilding ?

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I think its usually used in sports like cycling...due to increased red blood cells.....but dont hold me to it.

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says more oxygen delivered to muscle tissue so faster recovery. I was curios if bb use it

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Alin, some people HAVE used it in bbuilding to increase RBC count, increase vasularity etc. I think now with plasma expanders and the like, EPO is not seen as very effective for anything much. There may still be some who experiment with it though. Not much use in my opinion, and at comp time, is too dangerous to use with everything else going on. IronMike

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I wouldnt use it. Your bloodpressure can skyrocket from it and you could pass out. Just use EQ, that will naturally increase your bodies own EPO output, resulting in a slow increase in vascular and blood cells.

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epo will be of an advantage to long distanceactivies,,allowing for anincrease of red blood cells in turn oxygen..... i dont see the advantage for lifting weights,,,hardly a marathon then again it may allow uto fatigue less with better oxygen utilisation

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EQ does not raise RBCs by as much as many people on the board think. I have trained a few runners, competitive marathoners, who initially per my advice were taking 400mg EQ a week. They had their RBCs tested weekly with the week one measurements being 41.6,42.3, and 40.8. After the 10th week their measurements came out to 43.0,42.5 and 41.9 respectively. These relatively small increases can easily be attributed to altitude training as well. 3 months later, same runners, they start on EPO (Amgen) at 5000iu a week for the first two, then 2500 a week weeks 3-6, and then 5000iu a week for 7 and 8 in preparation for their targeted races. At week at the their RBC levels were 49.9,51.1, and 50.6, almost a 10 percent increase for each athlete as opposed to the 1 percent from EQ (which possibly was not even responsible for the gain.) Also, on EQ the runners saw negligable gains as compared to an average of 8 minute marathon PRs on the EPO (one of them dropped from 2:31 to 2:16 which of course raised a few eyebrows.) Do a search on EPO. There are some pretty informative posts on it and then there are the ones when people with no experience with it parrot "it's dangerous" and "it can kill you" which are both true but the same can also be said for insulin, ephedra, etc... Taken correctly it is safe but if you're an idiot and don't get educated on it before using you can get in a lot of trouble.

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Originally posted by Roidzilla Do a search on EPO. There are some pretty informative posts on it and then there are the ones when people with no experience with it parrot "it's dangerous" and "it can kill you" which are both true but the same can also be said for insulin, ephedra, etc... Taken correctly it is safe but if you're an idiot and don't get educated on it before using you can get in a lot of trouble. This is true, but does EPO really have a use for Bodybuilding? I dont think so. It is better suited for aerobic excersise and endurance, lifting weights is an anaerobic excercise. Using EPO for weight training really is not going to do much, but it will raise your BP like I said, and it CAN be dangerous. All in all, I agree that people should just do a search and see for themselves what they may be getting into.

21inch calves
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no it has no place in bodybuilding. its much more dangerous then AS gh and insulin put together. simply put save your money and stay away from this drug

George Valley
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No its not as dangerous as these guys are saying,most havent even tried it.You will get bad headaches if you even get close to taking too much, so you would just back down.It helps to have a hemocrit tester.Anadrols real medical use is for anemia ,so tell me guys what use does Drol have in BB? get the point?Nuff said.Almost forgot, it wont cause androgenic side effects and wont show up in tests(cept for the IOC).

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EPO does have a use in Bodybuilding: It raises RBC count. Most AAS also raise RBC. When you come off a cycle your RBC count will fall to pre cycle levels (sometimes falls BELOW pre cycle levels). This makes it harder for a BBer to train at the same intensity he trained at when he was on. By taking low doses of EPO post cycle, you are able to continue training at high intensity. EPO is also rumored to be slightly anabolic. It is dangerous, but who ever said it more dangerous than AAS, Slin and GH combined is crazy. Slin can kill you IN ONE USE. EPO cant. Thats enough said right there. But like Slin, if you know what your are doing and you moniter yourself, you will be fine.

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There is a lot of research showing the proper usage of slin for Bodybuilding Purposes. I dont think there is much shown for EPO useage. I personally wouldnt bother, as I know I can still make nice gains without it, and I wouldnt feel confident guinea pigging a substance like that on myself when not many others have done it before me.

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Didn't Andreas Munzer die because of EPO? Damn, that dude was SHREDDED.

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EPO increases RBC production and used sometimes in conjuction with chemotherapy or radiation treatment...Increased EPO used only when all other measures to raise H&H levels have failed (hemoglobin and hematocrit)...Helps with lethargy with those patients... However, for athletes using EPO it's a very dangerous substance, especially those using maybe other RBC stimulating compounds like EQ (over 600mg day) or Anadrol (BTW..EPO replaced anadrol since it's a little 'safer'- less 17AA sides etc) IT CAN THICKEN THE BLOOD TO THE POINT of a sludge-like consistency which MAY translate to greater potential for thrombus formation (blood clots...)

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Originally posted by deffflepppard Didn't Andreas Munzer die because of EPO? Damn, that dude was SHREDDED. The story I heard from one BBing mag was that Munzer died from longterm Cytadren use. He was using so much of it that he basically caused a pharmaceutical adrenalectomy and his cortisol levels were nonexistant so he went into multiorgan failure. Who knows for sure really? It was rumored that he had to take 5+grams/week of at least 6 different drugs to stay in contest condition. Below is one report of his regimen, but with no mention of Cytadren: The Munzer stack. This was originally printed in Der Spiegel magazine. 10-9 Weeks before the Competition daily: Ephederine, AN 1, Captagon, Aspirine, Valium, Clenbuterol 8-6 weeks before the Competition daily: 2 injects Testoviron @ 250 mg 1 inject Parabolan 30 tablets Halotestin 30 tablets Metandienon 20 IU HGH 20 IU Insuline 5-3 weeks before the Competition daily: 3 injects masteron 2 injects Parabolan 30 tablets Halotestin 50 tablets Stromba 2 injects Stromba 24 IU HGH 2-1 weeks before the Competition daily: 2 injects Masteron 2 injects Stromba 40 tablets Halotestin 80 tablets Stromba 24 IU HGH Insuline IGF A few days before the Competition: Aldactone, Lasix Sheesh! :uhoh: Doc

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