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E Question

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What are your thoughts on using epo and playing basketball?

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Re: E Question

Posted by: Staybig
What are your thoughts on using epo and playing basketball?

Sure Any sport that is primarily aerobic.


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I don't know why that was all that was posted but sorry for the question being so vague. Anyway I was wondering what a dosing protocol would be. Considering the sport is high intensity running/sprinting, stop and go. A season last anywhere from 5-7 would someone go about scheduling epo?

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Posted by: Staybig
I don't know why that was all that was posted but sorry for the question being so vague. Anyway I was wondering what a dosing protocol would be. Considering the sport is high intensity running/sprinting, stop and go. A season last anywhere from 5-7 would someone go about scheduling epo? it the same as with cycling or any other aerobic sport a search on this forum as there is a lot of info.

Generally you build with 3-5,000 iu's every other day for 2-3 weeks and then hold with a fair bit less.
Be safe and read all you can first...and you better test your crit frequently and especially while building. 50-55% crit is enough
REALLY GOOD hydration, and 80-120mg of uncoated aspirin, and loads of iron are musts too.


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THanks for the replys. I understand how important it is to test your crit as well as iron levels. My question is if I am not under the supervision of a doctor how do I go about doing this on my own? Is it possible? I'm an athlete not a scientist but I consider myself a smart guy. Is there anywhere I can have tests done anonymously? Or if I am able to this on my own what all do I need exactly from a-z?

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if u dont have access to a lab test every week then u will have to get a zipocrit to test urself.

power is nothing without control

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I see the Zipocrit, but where do you guys go to get the iron levels checked? Only local place I've found is a mambo-jambo clinic where you can get mud baths, buy overpriced nature products and get counsellings on weird diets and such.

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Hey bro where do u live?I thought I was in the outback!go to ur local doc and ask for serum ferretin blood test it will tell you how ur iron stores are and u work out fe (iron)pre-loading(if at all) from that.Once before an E cycle my serum ferretin was 600;so obviously i did not need to use fe for first 2 weeks;i used E to get rid of excess fe.Fe is a toxin so high levels are not good.M/track

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I think I have a solid idea on how I want to run this cycle. I'm over 6'6" ( 2 meters) tall. I weigh about 235lbs ( 107 KG ). Should I build with 3000 ius or should I start with a higher dose maybe 4-5000 iu? Also when building I go EOD for two weeks. Does this mean EOD for 14 days which would be 7 shots, or a total of 14 shots to count for the two weeks. Also, when should I get my first test? A week after, 2 weeks after my first shot?...or should I get one every week? Finally, how should I supplement the folic acid? I have asprin, but I am having troubles finding a good source for Iron. If anybody can point me into the right direction maybe for a place online that would help alot or shoot me a pm. I'm in between elemental iron which m/track suggest and an easier type like Ferrochel. Any ideas/help is greatly appreciated...Thanks!

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Rule of thumb is 50 iu per kg to start off with every 3rd day so in your case 5000iu would be a good starting point. about 12 * 5000iu injections should raise you about 3 points in close to 8-9 weeks.
Again this is just a rough guide. Test regularly to make sure
