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detection! (of epo)

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Hello guys.

I know a thing or 2 about preparation but I never tried epo because of the risq of detection. With anabolics you know that TestProp has 3weeks detection time for example so you can calculate.

About the Epo then, Epoetina alfa is 3months detectable so no option. Epoetina beta shorter. I heard with Micro injections of 500-1000IU only 24-48hours. But is this in urine or blood? Can somebody clear this up for me.

The latest news is that the producent of Cera

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Kenacort is detectable and 3 weeks for winny is not enough.

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This is the scheme I normally use coming from eu pro board;

5 weeks Oral Methandienone (Dianabol)
Mesterolone (proviron)
Noretadrolone (Nilevar)
3 weeks Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Oral Stanozolol (Winstrol)
2 weeks Testosterone Propionate (Viromone)
1 weeks Testosterone Undecanoate (Andriol)
4 days clenbuterol
Ephedrine Hydrochloride

Detection times epoetine beta (neorecormon)? in blood/urine depending on amount

Detection of HGH/IGF and HCG is already possible or not?

What about clomid/Nolvadex? 2weeks?

Please some input instead of in topics like should I take HGH or EPO (it are 2 different things, geek!)

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hcg is very detectable.

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Posted by: sandertje
Please some input instead of in topics like should I take HGH or EPO (it are 2 different things, geek!)

LOL there are actually some good points in that topic.

You are wrong to say that test prop is 3 weeks. It depends on the individual and dosing schedule. Some have no chance of testing +ve on a T/E ratio urine test during a test prop cycle. That being said, 3 weeks is a safe assumption.

Epoetin alfa is not detectabke for 3 months. The urine test is around 3 days for IV and 2 weeks for SQ. I heard the blood test detects IV for 3 weeks, but that is rarely used and very expensive. IV micro doses are 24-48 hours for the urine test. I doubt there is a tag in Neorecormon. The detection times are probably the same as alfa.

Test susp and andriol can produce a negative test within hours, again assuming the T/E urine test is used, which is by far the most common one. They might also produce a positive for several days. Again, it depends on the individual and dosing schedule. You can get yourself privately tested for the T/E ratio.

Kenacort is detectable but there are not many positives because it is easy to get a TUE for.

Detection of HGH and IGF might be possible, but detection window is probably very short.

10 days should be enough for HCG unless an IRMS test is used.

Allow at least 6 weeks for Clomid and Nolva. Last edited by KingMassimo on 09-30-2008 at 05:06 PM

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tnx for some good info.

it sound like the things i heard, 500-1000IU microinjections 24-48h detecable.

As I always understood epoetine BETA has shorter detection time then epoetine ALFA.

Tags in Neorec? I'm not 100% sure, that's why I ask.

No idea on detection method for anabolics other then T/E. I hope that following the list above will keep me on the safe side using not too high doses (cyclist not BB).

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so no Roche products!?! Eprex/Neorec/Cera


WADA Claims Roche Pharmaceuticals Adds Molecule to Drugs in Anti-Doping Effort

July 23, 2008 at 1:03 pm | Steroids and Cycling, Steroids in Sports, Tour de France
- Posted by Millard Baker | Comments

Switzerland Roche Pharmaceuticals

John Fahey, president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has revealed they are cooperating with Roche Pharmaceuticals to secretly add a “traceable molecule” to drugs likely to have performance enhancing effects in athletes. This was how AFLD was able to detect the previously-undetectable Mircera (CERA) in Riccardo Ricco’s sample at the 2008 Tour de France. Roche manufacures at least two PEDs used by cyclists - Mircera and NeoRecormon. Drug-tested athletes have been given notice to avoid using products manufactured by Roche Pharmaceuticals.

It seems that WADA is no longer interested in developing anti-doping tests that actually detect performance enhancing drugs (PEDs); this is understandable since serious flaws in their anti-doping tests are revealed again and again. Instead, WADA apparently believes the future of anti-doping efforts lies in anti-doping agencies cooperation with pharmaceutical companies to secretly add “traceable molecules” and “trojan molecules” (”Ricco caught by secret doping molecule: WADA chief,” July 23).

In the development of that particular substance, close cooperation occurred between WADA and the pharmaceutical company Roche Pharmaceuticals so that there was a molecule placed in the substance well in advance that was always going to be able to be detected once a test was taken,” Mr Fahey said.

Wow. I wonder what is more deplorable - athletes using performance enhancing drugs OR multi-national pharmaceutical companies secretly adding traceable molecules to consumer products and intentionally hiding this ingredient by failing to disclose it on the label?

Mr Fahey said such cooperation with drug companies was the way forward in fighting drug cheats.

“There’s more and more of this occurring,” he said.

“The more cooperation the scientists can have with the drug companies in the detection of performance-enhancing drugs the greater the likelihood is they will be detected when tests are undertaken.”

I can not imagine regulatory agencies such as the FDA looking favorably upon pharmaceutical products that have undisclosed, secret ingredients which are not essential to the action of the drug. After all, the traceable molecules have absolutely no benefit to the patient.

Certainly, this will upset quite a few people; the fact that Roche Pharmaceuticals is committing resources to non-therapeutic anti-doping efforts is, at the very least, bad public relations coming only a fews weeks after abandoning HIV/AIDS research.

The privacy, legal and regulatory obstacles to WADA’s latest approach to doping detection seems to make it a non-starter. FAIL!

Even if some pharmaceutical companies conspire with WADA in their anti-doping efforts, there are probably hundreds of pharmaceutical companies around the world, particularly in Southeast Asia, that would likely resist the extra expense of adding “traceable” anti-doping molecules to their products. The innumerous pharmaceutical companies have already given WADA problems with all the undetectable biogeneric and biosimilar EPO variants commercially available to athletes.

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Great post KingMassimo! Very current info on t:e ratio detection...some will never get caught and some test higher (or very close to) than 4:1 without using test....If they "looked" at a bottle of enanthate they'd test positive for months.

Sandertje, do you actually know anyone who cleared anavar and oral winstrol in 3 weeks? In the last year? I'm very skeptical of any oral taken in moderate amounts (20-30 mg/day) clearing in less than 1 month. A "one-time" 5 mg of dianabol is detectable for 19 days.....

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they supposedly have a test for insulin and hgh but since no one has tested positive they either dont work or is not used. I think the window of detection would be very small anyway.

roche has denied adding any substance to cera

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i found this interesting article

where they state that the detection window is 3days they use 5000IU Neorecormon

Anybody more info on the tags?

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That article is a load of for my posts talking about Ricco during the tour. All is explained there.

Posted by: sandertje
so no Roche products!?! Eprex/Neorec/Cera


WADA Claims Roche Pharmaceuticals Adds Molecule to Drugs in Anti-Doping Effort

July 23, 2008 at 1:03 pm | Steroids and Cycling, Steroids in Sports, Tour de France
- Posted by Millard Baker | Comments

Switzerland Roche Pharmaceuticals

John Fahey, president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has revealed they are cooperating with Roche Pharmaceuticals to secretly add a “traceable molecule” to drugs likely to have performance enhancing effects in athletes. This was how AFLD was able to detect the previously-undetectable Mircera (CERA) in Riccardo Ricco’s sample at the 2008 Tour de France. Roche manufacures at least two PEDs used by cyclists - Mircera and NeoRecormon. Drug-tested athletes have been given notice to avoid using products manufactured by Roche Pharmaceuticals.

It seems that WADA is no longer interested in developing anti-doping tests that actually detect performance enhancing drugs (PEDs); this is understandable since serious flaws in their anti-doping tests are revealed again and again. Instead, WADA apparently believes the future of anti-doping efforts lies in anti-doping agencies cooperation with pharmaceutical companies to secretly add “traceable molecules” and “trojan molecules” (”Ricco caught by secret doping molecule: WADA chief,” July 23).

In the development of that particular substance, close cooperation occurred between WADA and the pharmaceutical company Roche Pharmaceuticals so that there was a molecule placed in the substance well in advance that was always going to be able to be detected once a test was taken,” Mr Fahey said.

Wow. I wonder what is more deplorable - athletes using performance enhancing drugs OR multi-national pharmaceutical companies secretly adding traceable molecules to consumer products and intentionally hiding this ingredient by failing to disclose it on the label?

Mr Fahey said such cooperation with drug companies was the way forward in fighting drug cheats.

“There’s more and more of this occurring,” he said.

“The more cooperation the scientists can have with the drug companies in the detection of performance-enhancing drugs the greater the likelihood is they will be detected when tests are undertaken.”

I can not imagine regulatory agencies such as the FDA looking favorably upon pharmaceutical products that have undisclosed, secret ingredients which are not essential to the action of the drug. After all, the traceable molecules have absolutely no benefit to the patient.

Certainly, this will upset quite a few people; the fact that Roche Pharmaceuticals is committing resources to non-therapeutic anti-doping efforts is, at the very least, bad public relations coming only a fews weeks after abandoning HIV/AIDS research.

The privacy, legal and regulatory obstacles to WADA’s latest approach to doping detection seems to make it a non-starter. FAIL!

Even if some pharmaceutical companies conspire with WADA in their anti-doping efforts, there are probably hundreds of pharmaceutical companies around the world, particularly in Southeast Asia, that would likely resist the extra expense of adding “traceable” anti-doping molecules to their products. The innumerous pharmaceutical companies have already given WADA problems with all the undetectable biogeneric and biosimilar EPO variants commercially available to athletes.
