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What is a good oral anti estrogen to take with Stanoplex 50 and Sustaplex 350?

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about to start a cycle of Stanoplex and sustaplex. I am trying to figure out which oral anti estrogen to take so i dont get boobs

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first off you can use the search button and find way more out then a 1 or two word answer. Also because someone could be a prick and give you false information simply becsause you need to already have this planned out ahead of time. That being said there are two standard methods for getting around the gyno you could possibly see:
Arimidex and nolva
read about them.
That is why the forum is here.

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Aromasin is the best as 69 stated... Atomic247 is right too... as in if you were doing research you would already know the answer so to make sure you do your cycle correctly please lay it all out for us so we can make suggestions if needed so you don't make any mistakes...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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well i was thinking of holding off on the stanhoplex until i was done with the sustaplex. i was thinkin about runnin 650 a week. 1ml on monday then half ml on wed and fri. any better suggestions? do u think i should go ahead and stack the stanoplex while using sust instead of waiting

Joined: 6 years ago
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Posted by: bradd27
well i was thinking of holding off on the stanhoplex until i was done with the sustaplex. i was thinkin about runnin 650 a week. 1ml on monday then half ml on wed and fri. any better suggestions? do u think i should go ahead and stack the stanoplex while using sust instead of waiting

Do not run your sust like that bro, keep the doses even, run 0.5-0.75ml/cc eod.Run the stanoplex the last 5 weeks of your cycle.Do not run the stanoplex any more than 3 weeks after your last shot of sustaplex, otherwise you will be runnning it past the half life of sustaplex, which is 21 days.

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