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(Update) Prolactin Gyno Advise

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Here is some background:

A little over a year ago I did a pro hormone cycle that left me with a small hard lump under my left nipple and an even smaller one (almost undetectable under my right).

I recently started TRT 4 months ago with:
140mg Test C WK
750IU HCG Wk
1.5mg ADEX Wk

I added 20mg of Nolva ED about 2 months ago.

Yhe gyno started to flare up and become tender a few months ago. I ran 30 days of Letroxyl at 2.5mg for 10days then tapered down to 1.25 for 10 and then .65 for 10 along with 20 mg Nolva ED the entire time. The gyno seemed to get worse with more tenderness. At that point I figured the small original gyno must have been caused by prolactin and my TRT is causing the flare up.

I just got some Dostinex and am planning on running 1mg E3D, should I continue to run the Nolva? I also have adex and Letroxyl on hand. What should I do?

BTW all products im using are KALPA

starquest maniac
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Test causes aromatization gyno, and not progesterone/prolactin gyno. This type of gyno is caused mainly by deca and Tren. If you have not ran those compounds then it is either the Test, which I doubt at that dosage and shouldn't even be a issue. Or from the PH's that you took. Me and 4thAD have both I know of had a flare up on PH's which is not supposed to occur. All PH's to my knowledge mimic orals such as Anadrol and D-bol, ETC. Which aromatize into estrogen like Test. With the Nolva/A-dex/Letro you should not even be close to having gyno sides on 140mg EW. Is there anything else you may not be telling us?

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have to agree with SM on this, Deca and Tren would cause prolactin gyno not test or PHs even the "tren" ones. if the flare up gets worse id say go see a doc as letro should have helped ya.

Death before Dishonor

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Thanks for the replies. the only cycle I have ever done was some oral Tbol abour 3-4 yrs ago and had no sides.

I realize that all Test converts to estrogen and not prolactin, but I figured if Letro and nolva had no effect on it that it couldn't be estrogen related. Should I have ran the letro for more than 30 days?

I realize non of this makes sense, but the Dostinex seems like my last resort to try to figure this out. Let me know if you have anymore ideas.

For arguments sake, lets say the gyno is caused by prolactin. Should I still run the Nolva or an AI to mitigate estrogen sides along with the Dostinex?

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Posted by: tat2ed
Thanks for the replies.the only cycle I have ever done was some oral Tbol abour 3-4 yrs ago and had no sides.

I realize that all Test converts to estrogen and not prolactin,but I figured if Letro and Nolva had no effect on it that it couldn't be estrogen related.Should I have ran the letro for more than 30 days?

I realize non of this makes sense, but the Dostinex seems like my last resort to try to figure this out.Let me know if you have anymore ideas.

For arguments sake, lets say the gyno is caused by prolactin.Should I still run the Nolva or an AI to mitigate estrogen sides along with the Dostinex?

id say run the nolva along side it shouldn't hurt ya

Death before Dishonor

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just out of curiosity when exactly did the flare up get worse? around the time u started the nolva?

Death before Dishonor

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Posted by: MCSS13
just out of curiosity when exactly did the flare up get worse? around the time u started the nolva?

It could have started around the same time.I thought I've read before that nolva could be bad for prolactin gyno.Any truth to this?

I started the Dostinex yesterday at 1mg and plan to run that E3D.Any sides I should watch out for?What are some sides of low prolactin levels?

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Posted by: tat2ed
It could have started around the same time.I thought I've read before that nolva could be bad for prolactin gyno.Any truth to this?

I started the Dostinex yesterday at 1mg and plan to run that E3D.Any sides I should watch out for?What are some sides of low prolactin levels?

id stop running the nolva see if it gets worse if it does try running the letro with out the nolva

Death before Dishonor

5'7" 203lbs
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Deca 300 1.5cc EW
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Posted by: starquest maniac
All PH's to my knowledge mimic orals such as Anadrol and D-bol, ETC. Which aromatize into estrogen like Test.

Anadrol is DHT-derived and does NOT aromatize.

The problem here is that we have been recommending too low of a dose of AI's. Arimidex only blunts aromatase by 40% at 1mg/day. Exemestane (aromasin) does 60% at 25mg/day.....YES, 25mg...not 2.5mg!

It's likely that this guy is getting gyno from estrogen, not prolactin, and increasing his arimidex to 2mg/day (1mg morn, 1mg eve). or aromasin to 25mg/day (5-2.5mg tabs morn, 5-2.5mg tabs eve) will mitigate it.

WOW! You're HUGE. You take steroids, don't you!

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I have Letroxyl, Arimixyl , Nolvaxyl, & Dostinex on hand.

I followed your Letro protocol w/ 20mg Nolva ED:
10 days @ 2.5mgs
10 days @ 1.25mgs
10 days @ .65mgs

I saw no change in 30 days.Should I have ran it longer or at a higher dose?Please let me know what I should try next.

Thanks again for all the help guys.

Posted by: Ironworker
Anadrol is DHT-derived and does NOT aromatize.

The problem here is that we have been recommending too low of a dose of AI's. Arimidex only blunts aromatase by 40% at 1mg/day. Exemestane (aromasin) does 60% at 25mg/day.....YES, 25mg...not 2.5mg!

It's likely that this guy is getting gyno from estrogen, not prolactin, and increasing his arimidex to 2mg/day (1mg morn, 1mg eve). or aromasin to 25mg/day (5-2.5mg tabs morn, 5-2.5mg tabs eve) will mitigate it.

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Also, unlike Arimidex and aromasin, which both can be ran along with Nolva,letro actually loses efficacy when ran alongside Nolva.

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Aromasin and dostinex. The only things that I use anymore for either type of aromatization. Neither of them mess with your sensitivity or sexual desire, and have little side effects. Actually dostinex makes me a sexual dynamo.

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