nipples r starting to swell.real sore to is this a sighn of bitch tits
Puffy and tender? what are you far along?
Hit low dosage nolva...20mg/day...if it persists bump it up to 40 until it goes away...go back down to 10-20mg/day once its gone to keep the gyno from coming back while ON.
First off what are you running??? That will help us with helping ya. Also, what are all of the symptoms your experiencing. Some ppl mistake excess water retention and fat deposit as bitch tits.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
At that point I call them "Itch Tits"...knew I had it right away cause everything I'm on was low water retention except the EQ, and cause I haven't gained any weight on this cycle at all
yeah bump dafonz nolva wont do shit for deca,tren etc progestorne induced gyno you need bromo etc