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Thoughts on an "active PCT"?

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Synergy Pro-active recovery therapy (PART)!!

Retain and even gain muscle with PART.

The basis of this Recovery Method is based on Factual Data and Real World results. These methods are the brainchild of the smartest man (of course my personal opinion) in Pharmakentics applied to bodybuilding. The Name I will not disclose but many will postulate the protocols origin. The genius of the protocol is revolutionary. Traditional Post cycle Therapy (PCT) protocols will exit stage left when Pro-Active recovery therapy (PART) is introduced!

The purpose of PART is to recover natural production of testosterone and thyroid (if t-3 is used) while maintaining, or losing a minimum of lean body mass gained during an Anabolic/androgenic cycle. Bodybuilders are afraid to discontinue AAS because of the inevitable crash. We all experienced the lack of sexual vigor, depression, loss of Lean body mass, and the many other negative effects associated with the “crash.”


Testosterone Enanthate

Yes, I said Testosterone Enanthate! More specifically 150mg/ml of testosterone Enanthate a week! PART if administered correctly will allow the user to maintain 90% of lean body mass gained during an AAS cycle, or even gain a few pounds during PART.

Rules of PART
--You must discontinue Long ester Steroids 4 weeks before starting PART. Nandrolone deconate, boldenone Undecylnate, and sustanon are steroids with esters that last over 3 weeks in the system. The presence of long estered steroids will eliminate the purpose of PART, and you will be on an extended weak steroid cycle.
--You must use estrogen antagonist (Clomid) or again, you will be on an extended cycle.


My personal theory is that all supplements should be avoided (except fish oil, Protein powders, and vitamins) while using Steroids. The simple reasoning behind the theory is that the supraphysiological effects of steroids will not be aided with additional dietary supplements. In PART, You need additional “motivation” to continue to training and maintain focus. The supplements below are the ones that I currently use in my regimen. The supplement regimens are unique to each individual so just find what works and put it to work.

camphibolic is the only supplement required in the PART regimen. The research behind camphibolic can be found at in an article titled the camphibolic series. In short, camphibolic blocks cortisol, stimulates LH, and anabolic. The forskolin in camphibolic increases both testosterone production and GnRH secretion.

Citrulline Malate
Acetly L-carnitine
Nootrophic formula of your choice

The first part of the protocol will prime your body for PART. We will call it Pre-PART. Pre-PART begins in the last 3 weeks of your steroid cycle.

Pre-PART is simply the addition of HCG at 500 IU every 3 days for the duration of your cycle. You must discontinue HCG to continue the PART protocol. camphibolic will be introduced in the last week of your steroid cycle and continued through PART. Again, camphibolic increases testosterone production, GnRH secretion, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormones) secretion, and blocks cortisol.


Week one
--150mg testosterone enanthate injection
--300mg of Clomid for the first 3 days then reduce dose to 150mg per day
--3 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on workout days
--3 caps of camphibolic 30-45 minutes on workout days
--2 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on non-training days
--2 caps of camphibolic 6-7 hours latter on non-training days
--Supplements regimen of choice
Week Two
--150mg testosterone enanthate injection
--150mg Clomid per day
--3 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on workout days
--3 caps of camphibolic 30-45 minutes on workout days
--2 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on non-training days
--2 caps of camphibolic 6-7 hours latter on non-training days
--Supplements regimen of choice
Week 3
--150mg testosterone enanthate injection
--150mg Clomid per day
--3 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on workout days
--3 caps of camphibolic 30-45 minutes on workout days
--2 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on non-training days
--2 caps of camphibolic 6-7 hours latter on non-training days
--Supplements regimen of choice
Week 4
--50mg Clomid per day
--3 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on workout days
--3 caps of camphibolic 30-45 minutes on workout days
--2 caps of camphibolic in morning on empty stomach on non-training days
--2 caps of camphibolic 6-7 hours latter on non-training days
--Supplements regimen of choice
Week 5 and on
--You can discontinue Clomid after week four and continue on your regular supplement regimen. I continue using camphibolic for additional 30-60 days but that decision is for the consumer to gage.


For the progressive thinkers, the new PART program will be loved and will change PCT as we know it today!! Of course there will be the nay Sayers and critics. The references are listed for those interested in the science behind the PART protocol. The PART protocol is backed by science and REAL WORLD results. PART WORKS!!!

Finkelstein JS, Whitcomb RW, O’Dea LStL, Longcope C, Schoenfeld DA, Crowley Jr WF. 1991 Sex steroid control of gonadotropin secretion in the human male. I. Effects of testosterone administration in normal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone-deficient men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 73:609—620

Schnorr JA, Bray MJ, Veldhuis JD. "Aromatization mediates testosterone's short-term feedback restraint of 24-hour endogenously driven and acute exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone secretion in young men." J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001 Jun;86(6):2600-6

Winters SJ, Janick JJ, Loriaux DL, Sherins RJ. "Studies on the role of sex steroids in the feedback control of gonadotropin concentrations in men. II. Use of the estrogen antagonist, clomiphene citrate." J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1979 Feb;48(2):222-7

Naftolin F, Judd HL, Yen SS. "Pulsatile patterns of gonadotropins and testosterone in man: the effects of clomiphene, with and without testosterone added." J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1973 Feb;36(2):285-8
Product Information: AndroGel(TM), testosterone gel. Unimed Pharmaceuticals, Buffalo Grove, IL, USA, 2000.

Sokol RZ, Palacios A, Campfield LA et al: Comparison of the kinetics of injectable testosterone in eugonadal and hypogonadal men. Fertil Steril 1982; 37:425-430.


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The reasoning behind the whole 'regimen' is not explained at all, apart from saying camphilbolloc is a wonder drug that will recover everything. Is it a blatant sales pitch or what?

I can understand the concept of coming down to a natural dose of test for a few weeks to adjust the body to a low androgen environment before coming off, but not 150mg/wk.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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It just looks like a rehashing of the old idea of tapering to me. Actual recovery of the HPTA isn't going to begin till wk 4. The idea of using Clomid in the last couple of wks may be worth considering but not reduccing dosages of TE to 150.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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I would like to know the logic of using 150mgs of test e into pct, it's makes little sense to me as low dose test continues to suppress htpa to some extent. As for camphibolic it in itself is no doubt an interesting and perhaps very useful supplement.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

Wicked Design
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Man this stinks so bad you would think Cy Willson wrote it.

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wow! Guess i am not a forward looking thinker.


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So you all killed the idea, hmm, interesting.

Let's see what USPLabs/ceosm says

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Using 150 mg of T enant/wk during PCT or PART, must be suppressive on hpta. In my opinion this is not a recovery program, but a prolonging of an AAS cycle at a lower dosage (without hpta recovey).

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I agree, this looks like a three week extension of your cycle, basically a tapering down. If you would care to expalin the logic and science behind this, i am sure everyone would listen and check it out but on the surface this would seem to do nothing but prolong recovery by an additional 3 weeks. It would be easier to check out if the references were at least available in abstract from medline. Only one is available.


Black Baccara
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I am not a big fan of PCT with androgens, but 150mg TE would only give infraphysiologic levels of T, so the body could restart to produce endogenous T to counteract the deficit (to obtain normal T levels). I am a little dubious but I know a doctor who claims that it's work.

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Posted by: max69
150 mg of TE is infraphysiological? Well I thought that the normal T production in a man ranged from 100 to 130 mg/wk.

Maybe 150 mg/wk of TE, deducting the weight of the esther are equal to aprox 100 mg/wk of free T which is physiological level therefore hpta recovery should be almost impossible (I think we are talking about HRT dosages)

Men produce between 2.5mg-11mg test per day (17.5mg-77mg/wk). 150mg/wk is a cycle.

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That first abstract is interesting re the use of AI with low dose test and its effect on lh.


Black Baccara
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Posted by: max69
150 mg of TE is infraphysiological? Well I thought that the normal T production in a man ranged from 100 to 130 mg/wk.

Maybe 150 mg/wk of TE, deducting the weight of the esther are equal to aprox 100 mg/wk of free T which is physiological level therefore hpta recovery should be almost impossible (I think we are talking about HRT dosages)

You cannot compare on a mg per mg basis, endogenous and exogenous esterified T. Organon has send to me TRT studies, where we can see for example that 250mg of sustanon every 2 weeks, is not able to achieve physiological T level (after the fisrt peak). Even if TE seems to be the best product for TRT, with one Primoteston every 2 weeks, the T levels are often infraphysiologics during the second week.

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there are coonflicting studies then since this is a graph of blood levels after 140mg of test enanthate was injected. The x axis is physiologic level, you can see that it takes 10 days to reach physiologic levels.



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Posted by: Black Baccara
You cannot compare on a mg per mg basis, endogenous and exogenous esterified T. Organon has send to me TRT studies, where we can see for example that 250mg of sustanon every 2 weeks, is not able to achieve physiological T level (after the fisrt peak). Even if TE seems to be the best product for TRT, with one Primoteston every 2 weeks, the T levels are often infraphysiologics during the second week.

Which is why the best kind of TRT involves more frequent administration or a more appropriate compound. I could produce a graph that would show 1000mg Testosterone Propionate would not provide a physiological T level after an even shorter period. But does that imply the dose wasnt large enough?

Posted by: jboldman
there are coonflicting studies then since this is a graph of blood levels after 140mg of test enanthate was injected. The x axis is physiologic level, you can see that it takes 10 days to reach physiologic levels.

The graph shows a descent to base jbold. If that base is 0, as might be assumed in TRT, then it actually shows pretty much what baccara is saying.

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