Hey guys. What's the deal w/ guys like Arnold and Draper and the guys from the golden age? They used Dbol'>D-bol and probably some other stuff that aromatized into estrogen right? Did they have any anti-estrogens around back then?
Good question. Anyone?
That is a great question. Any one with some info. THEWIZARD
but how did arnold not get gyno if he used d-bol so much? i know it wasn't in super high doses, but still...you gotta figure they didn't know shit back then about drugs.
"Back then" we used d-bol in doses of only 5 and 10 mg per day and then for only 3 to 4 weeks at a time and made great gains. No, we never heard of anti estrogens and all the fancy stuff guys need nowadays because of all the massive doses of steroids they are taking.
Actually a couple of the old timers did get gyno.If you saw Pumping iron you could notice that Franco had the beginnings of gyno in his right pec.By the 81 Olympia had it really bad.Also Boyer Coe also had some gyno.Dickerson also got it later on in his career.
Columbo def. had some good gyno