Spiro topical or sp...
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Spiro topical or spiro cream

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Which do you guys perfer and what ways have you applied either with Niz. shampoo. Wanna see what everyones results are lately and how you guys like or dont like either.... Thanks

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i use the 5% cream. I have short hair so it's no prob rubbing the shit in. It works great in conjunction with finasteride for me. My hair got thicker using those two product while on a gram of sust and 100mg of drols a day. I just got done a cycle of test and deca so finasteride was out of the mix, but the spiro helped keep my hair. I'd rather be skinny with hair than big with a bald dome at my age. nizoral works great to clean my scalp also. I think that helps the absorbsion of spiro. It seems after using nizoral 2% my scalp sucks the spiro right up. if it werent for these products I would even touch juice.
