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SERM only cycle.

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Alright bros,

after reading rg's brilliant serm only post I am thinking of orderng some tamoxifen through the CEM store, my question is will I have any problems with ordering to the UK?


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Do research it is much easier to get in UK than USA .M/track

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Thanks M/Track have found a way to get it.

Thanks to those who have helped.

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I started a clomi cycle 4 weeks ago- 35mg a day. Feeling really good. I'm getting test levels checked tomorrow.
How long should I stay on it before taking a break? I've noticed very little side effects other than a few more pimples on the face and back, but nothing serious. I will post before and after test levels as soon I get results.

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interested to see ur levels.

did u do bseline?

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Baseline was 422 ng/dL 4 weeks ago (seems low). I'm a 34 yo 12-14 hours of training/racing a week. I will know my levels in the next few days and will post.

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Results are in. Damn- 1106 ng/dL after 4 weeks on 35mg qd of clomi. Now- How long should I continue on this cycle and how much time should i take off?

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Posted by: cross7
Results are in. Damn- 1106 ng/dL after 4 weeks on 35mg qd of clomi. Now- How long should I continue on this cycle and how much time should i take off?

Great! I would take a break after a few months. You could end the season on clomid.
I would take a couple months off.
In theory you can stay on the stuff forever but there just are not enough info out there on long term use. That said...there are breast cancer man and women on nolva for years.


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Thanks for the great advice RG. In addition to recovering quicker- I have seen a dramatic improvement in my overall attitude and confidence (racing and work) on this stuff- No Joke!

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Is there an increase in weight when test levels are high- say over 1100 ng/dl. My upper body-which I never workout- seems pumped. I feel like I've put on 3-4 lbs of muscle over the past 3 weeks.

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Sounds great. Seems like the easiest way to achieve good consistent test level. It's a pill, fairly cheap, don't need to do PCT and no injections either.

What are the detection times (I'm thinking WADA urine tests here) for Clomid and Nolva? I've heard up to 2.5 month for Nolva and 2-3 weeks for Clomid, can this be confirmed? Thanks!

Btw, that is great results cross7. Gratz!

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wow amazing./

yep 422 is quite low. borderline for your age I reckon.
