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Sarms PCT

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Has anyone tried SARMS for PCT? Any results?ile back by itself with t3 and wasn't too crazy about it, but i used low doses. Has anyone had good results using it for PCT along with clomid and nolva? I tried it a wh ANy info would really be appreciated.

I managed to lean down to 6% BF at 230 and I want to try and keep whatever I can. I ran 12 weeks of sust @ 500mgs wk and used albuteral/T3 on and off through out the cycle. ANyways, now that I am fianlly lean I want to maintain whatever I can. HCG is out of the question (ruined what I had [don't ask, i'm an idiot] and my guy can't get it) so I was thinking Clomid/nolva/sarms. Any suggestions?

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its pretty controversial, some would say its not PCT as SARMs is effectively an anabolic, and in my experience i got major shut down after a 4 week cycle. Your body won't sense the sarms in the same way as it would for exogo. test, so in theory natty test production should return. However SARMs is activating the Testosterone receptor, & the body ain't that stupid so its not gonna produce a boat load of test if the receptors are already being activated.

BTW Thats just my theory! I was suprised how badly it shut me down, this is just one possible explanation i came up with. Others on the board had no issues with shut down post sarms.

On another note, my blood work whilst on test showed that if i took sarms on the day of measuring test, the recorded value for test went through the roof compared to days when test was measured without sarms, so there must be some cross reactivity either within the assay, or for inducing test release. This could be important for tested athletes, if anyone else has had their test levels measured whilst on sarms please share the info



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Thanks Bananaman. Very informative. i remember reading how bad it shut you down. I had almost no effect while on it, except for the fact that it took away my shoulder pain.

Anyone else have any info or point of view on sarms PCT? Not that I don't trust you or your knowledge BM, I just would like to hear a few opinions before I decide to go with it or not?

Thanks again

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Anthony Roberts believes sarms should be followed by pct. I don't agree with all his protocols, dosages ect. I do like and respect him however and you should at least consider the fact that sarms may hinder your pct.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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I have heard that sarms combined with your pct can be great, keep us posted on how it works for you .

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Still have not decided what to do...i'll give it a little more thaught

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I've seen bloodwork from a few while on and after use of SARMS, and I would highly recommend that it not be used during PCT.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Yeah, it probably downregulates thru the ar. That would mess your pct up.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Well I just ordered the Sarms Clomid and Nolva...I might go ahead and skip the SARMS. Thanks everyone for the advice

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maybe you could use sarms as a bridge to your next cycle. I think the pct depends on how long you run sarms and at what dosage.

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Just following up. I ran PCT with SARMS, Clomid and nova:
Sarms for three weeks @ 150 mg for week 1, 100 for week 2 and 50 for week three.nolva and Clomid were run for and additional 2 weeks. Best PCT I've done yet. Felt 100% recovered after a few weeks and have been off for a while and didn't lose much at all

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Good stuff, Pecman. Did you have vision problems?

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Hell yes. The vision problem was no joke. I had done it before but at low doses, so it wasn't too bad. But this time I started high and tapered down and it was completely different...scary even. Driving at night was a hell of a challenge. I remember taking a long road trip at night and I was talking to my wife and could not see her in the car right next to me...scary. even getting up to go to work was hard because u can't see a thing. However this time the shoulder pain did not go away while it did my first time with it

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Sarms PCT is a bit weird. But I want to try and experiment with what I think works, and sometimes learn the hard way.I have read some good information on dosage and duration of rotation, but are not sure of the PCT.

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Posted by: expt
Sarms PCT is a bit weird. But I want to try and experiment with what I think works, and sometimes learn the hard way.I have read some good information on dosage and duration of rotation, but are not sure of the PCT.

Quickest way to learn using yourself as a guinea pig is to have bloodwork done.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

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