PCT when lowering d...
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PCT when lowering dosage?

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Second week of lowering dossage to 125mg from 250mg. of test. Enan. When I first started taking test a few months ago I found I reacted to it within a week (not physically but "generally"). I am now really starting to feel the effects emotionally and mentally of scaling back. More tired and way more cranky, finding it harder to concentrate. But at least my nipples dont get hard everytime they brush spandex.......

Physically I haven't seen any difference (I suppose I'm still getting more test. then the average male).

I have two more weeks to four more weeks to go of only 125 mg. of test. enan. then it will be about 10 weeks of 125mg. of test. enan with 400 mg. of EQ.

I have clomid on hand. Should I be doing some sort of PCT with the lower dossage until I start taking the EQ?

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pista can i ask what benefits you are getting from test? is it just increased recovery?

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Posted by: nebneb
pista can i ask what benefits you are getting from test? is it just increased recovery?

See the thread where I discuss the results of my cycle thus far.

But in general:

more strength on the bike (especially on the trainer)
very fast recovery compared to before,
improved concentration,
slightly improved eyesight,
*way* stronger libido (annoyingly so),
err, harder erec....err...well you get the idea.....,
more energy in general,
better mood/more easygoing

But the strength hasnt translated to speed, increased weight to blame (I'm about 18 lbs heavier then last year this time) which is why I lowered the dossage to 125.....

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BUMP....but I still want to know if I should do PCT, I took 100mg Clomid today and plan on 50mg per day for next two weeks....remember still taking 125mg test. starting EQ in 4 weeks @400mg.

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no need for pct since 125mg will most likely shut you down.


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You are wasting the Clomid if u are still on any kind of AAS cycle. M/track
