Yeah you should wait 2 weeks to start PCT b/c of the half-live of the test enth. Are you running HCG throughout the course of the cycle? Running HCG throughout will help you recover easier when you begin PCT. You would want to run HCG 2x week @ 250iu-500iu each shot. If you can, I would suggest you run something other than Nol. A-sin would be the best choice b/c it causes the most largest increase in test levels, doesn't cause an increase lipids, or bad cholesterol.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
Will do. Thanx fonz!
also, any reason why only a 6 week cycle?? if you only have test-e, then i highly recommend adding anohther 4-6 weeks on the end of that sixer!
you're not going to notice any "real" gains from test-e until week 4 or 5....