PCT Planning... Adv...
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PCT Planning... Advice

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Posted by: Alpine
Guys, I really appreciate all your posts. clomid/Nolva was always the core of my PCT plan. I just dont have access to HCG... yet

As for the other stuff, I figured it couldnt hurt. I hoped it could help but i knew it wasnt really backed by anything. I do have some 6oxo unopened that I bought a long time ago. Its a mild AI in comparison to l-dex depending on dosage. Im not sure when to run it. I guess if im going to shy away from AI totally i shouldnt even use it Post Cycle. It is supposed to help recovery... much more so than its AI benefits - that is supposedly.

So how about

Clomid: 100mg - 30 days
Nolva: 20-40mg 30 days ?

HCG if i can get my hands on it

If your testes are not shrunken, you really don't need hcg. Hcg is best when you used at low dose throughout the cycle and not during pct. For your cycle I personally would use nolva for 14 days at 40mgs the another 14 days at 20mgs longer if you feel that you need to. You could also opt to run 100mgs Clomid for 14 then 50mgs for 14.

This post was modified 7 years ago by liftsiron

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
If your testes are not shrunken, you really don't need hcg. Hcg is best when you used at low dose throughout the cycle and not during pct. For your cycle I personally would use nolva for 14 days at 40mgs the another 14 days at 20mgs longer if you feel that you need to. You could also opt to run 100mgs Clomid for 14 then 50mgs for 14.

It can also be of benefit at a low dose immediately following the cycle, or as I use it, which is in a single high dose every 5 days for 4-6 times during PCT. This is done to "shock" the testes into production and it is very effective. It is what I used to come off of a 9 month test/tren cycle and I was back up to speed within 2 months.

P.S. Your PCT looks fine alpine.

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And if you wanna use Trib use it AFTER PCT, just to get ur balls bigger and bolder

Big Cat
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I usually go with

1) Either HCG throughout the cycle, every saturday and sunday, 250 IU, to keep testes from shrinking, or crash doses post-cycle. Well starting, last week of cycle and two weeks following, every 5 days, 3000-3000-1500-1500 IU. Results are about the same with regards to time to total recovery. Funnily, vets seem to prefer the new way (throughout) while beginners prefer the old way (PCT).

2) 20 mg of Nolva per day, from the last week of the cycle to the 6 weeks following

3) Clomid after being off two weeks, 100 mg per day for two weeks, then 50 mg per day for another two weeks. So both Clomid and Nolva finish six weeks post-cycle.

On top of that I also take precautions to

A) limit the use of very supressive drugs in the last two weeks of a cycle

B) Avoid the use of orals in the last weeks of the cycle since 17AA steroids apparently upregulate the glucocorticoid receptor. With regards to keeping mass obviously.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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I was planning on using m4ohn right up until PCT started. It's very mild and shouldnt supress a great deal.

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big cat u still recommend that pct schedule?

Big Cat
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Posted by: triguy
big cat u still recommend that pct schedule?

Yes, alternatively, you can drop the Clomid and take an extra 20mg of nolva in those weeks.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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Posted by: Big Cat
A) limit the use of very supressive drugs in the last two weeks of a cycle

So trenbolone would be a poor choice then at the end of a cycle?

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Big Cat, don't you think that Clomid is more effective than nolva at stimulating recovery of the hypothalamus?

I plan to do the following pct after my 6 week low dose prop cycle:
Days 1-10 50mg Clomid
Days 11-15 25mg Clomid
Days 16-20 12.5mg Clomid
weeks 1-4 20mg nolva
week 5 10mg nolva.

My cycle was 75mg prop eod for 6 weeks along with 300iu HCG and 20mg nolva.
How does my pct look? I figure that Clomid can be run at a lower dose and for a shorter period since my cycle was short and doses were low.

Big Cat
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Posted by: haskan
So trenbolone would be a poor choice then at the end of a cycle?

Poor choice is saying a bit much, its not a faux-pas, but if optimal recovery is your goal, there are indeed better finishers. Tren is often used at the end, for very good reason, in which case of course switching to Tren Ace is better at the end. I would definitely avoid deca and all orals except halo in the last week to two weeks.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

Big Cat
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Posted by: HitMeBack
Big Cat, don't you think that Clomid is more effective than nolva at stimulating recovery of the hypothalamus?

I plan to do the following pct after my 6 week low dose prop cycle:
Days 1-10 50mg Clomid
Days 11-15 25mg Clomid
Days 16-20 12.5mg Clomid
weeks 1-4 20mg nolva
week 5 10mg nolva.

My cycle was 75mg prop eod for 6 weeks along with 300iu HCG and 20mg nolva.
How does my pct look? I figure that Clomid can be run at a lower dose and for a shorter period since my cycle was short and doses were low.

There was a time when I ardently supported the Clomid/Nolva combo for the very reason that in the lit there are suggestions that one may be more effective than the other in certain tissues, lending a credence to a certain synergism. In practice however, much like the HCG throughout/at the end debacle, there was too little noticeable difference in recovery time to suggest this approach was better than Nolva alone. However I've always had a well-supported bias towards Nolva alone over Clomid alone, mostly because Clomid has quite some potential side-effects.

I'm not going to suggest what you have there is necessarily bad, but it doesn't sit well with me and i'm not one to deviate from what works unless I have some support in the lit to suggest that it may be a better alternative.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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Ok, so if I was to stick with the HCG/nolva combo throughout the cycle (which I think you have previously mentioned is quite ok when using short esters), would you suggest I continue with the 20mg dose of nolva for, say 4 weeks post cycle, then taper off to 10mg in the final week, or would you suggest increasing the dose of nolva post cycle, such as 40mg for 2 weeks, 20mg for 2 weeks, then 10mg for a week or two?

Joined: 7 years ago
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Posted by: Big Cat
Poor choice is saying a bit much, its not a faux-pas, but if optimal recovery is your goal, there are indeed better finishers. Tren is often used at the end, for very good reason, in which case of course switching to tren ace is better at the end. I would definitely avoid deca and all orals except halo in the last week to two weeks.

Faux-pas? I studied German in school not French (six years in fact and I still got the lowest grade possible at the end...)

We�ve had a similar discussion in the winstrol thread were it was also suggested that masteron prop would be a good finisher. Could you recommend dosage and number of weeks to use masteron prop at the end of a cycle (I�m thinking 100 mg EOD the last 2-4 weeks).

Big Cat
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Faux-pas = not done

With masteron, as with any drug suitable for finishing a cycle make sure you use those the last 2 weeks, at least the last week in the stead of longer acting or extremely supressive drugs. As to how long you would then actually use it, I still suppose people pick drugs because they feel the characteristics best fit their needs, so 2 weeks seems a tad short. But it will largely depend on goal and past experiences whether you run it 2, 4, 6 or 8 weeks. Or whatever really.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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Posted by: HitMeBack
Ok, so if I was to stick with the HCG/nolva combo throughout the cycle (which I think you have previously mentioned is quite ok when using short esters), would you suggest I continue with the 20mg dose of nolva for, say 4 weeks post cycle, then taper off to 10mg in the final week, or would you suggest increasing the dose of nolva post cycle, such as 40mg for 2 weeks, 20mg for 2 weeks, then 10mg for a week or two?

Could you give me your opinion on this please BC?

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