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PCT and Cals

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So for the first 8 weeks of my cycle (test e 500mg/wk) i bulked and ate huge. I put on lots of muscle mass. Well for the last 2 weeks ive concentrated on cutting, and plan to do for another 2 weeks and then start PCT.

Everywhere it says to eat maintenance or above for PCT. why is that?What happens if i continue cut during PCT, do i really lisk losing all the LBM i gained?

Joined: 7 years ago
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when youa re cutting your body is in a catabolic mode, that is OK when you have AAS on board since they act to spare the protein however once they go away and until you normal test is back your are verysusceptible to losing that lean body mass. much better to recover at maintenance or slightly above and cut later.


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I have another question about sexual performance during PCT. After my last injection, im starting nolva 2 weeks after that.

Will I have problems getting it up or anything during that time?If so, for how long?
