Nolvadex XT while o...
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Nolvadex XT while on Anavar cycle

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hey guys,

got a quick question about Nolvadex XT, I've got 2 bottles and I was wondering if I could take them while on Anavar, I'm doing 7 weeks of Var (currently on my 3rd week)
1st week: 25mg ED
2nd - 7th week: 40mg ED

I guess my question would be if I can start taking Nolvadex (2 capsules before bed) for the rest of my cycle.

also, I will do nolvadex for PCT
1st week : 40mg
2nd - 3rd week: 20mg

This is my second cycle of Var, did it on its own the first time, never done Nolvadex before.

hope to hear back from you guys soon!!


Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Nolvadex XT is an AI. Anavar doesn't aromatize. Nolvadex won't elevate endogenous test while on var because HPTA will be suppressed. There's no reason to take them together.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Thanks for the quick response Seabiscuit, I'm fairly new to steroids and Test boosters in general and just want to reach the best goals I can of my cycle, would it hurt to take them together or would it just be a waste of Nolvadex? also, would you recommend to take Nolvadex during PCT or on its own some time after my pct?

Estimable Member
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i think jb should take the search button and rid it from this damn site.

are you an idiot? sb specifically said there is no reason to take them together, why would you further ask the same question twice.

i think you should crush them, melt them in a spoon and mainline them

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Posted by: pillsbury

i think you should crush them, melt them in a spoon and mainline them

And go for an artery rather than a vein, = faster effect

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Re: Nolvadex XT while on Anavar cycle

Posted by: Umeldur
hey guys,

got a quick question about Nolvadex XT, I've got 2 bottles and I was wondering if I could take them while on Anavar


Quick answer, NO

Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 8
Posted by: pillsbury
i think jb should take the search button and rid it from this damn site.

are you an idiot? sb specifically said there is no reason to take them together, why would you further ask the same question twice.

i think you should crush them, melt them in a spoon and mainline them

Pillsbury for mayor
