nolvadex after cycl...
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nolvadex after cycle

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Everyone generally agrees you should start pct three weeks after your last sust250'>sustanon shot. Should you continue to take Nolvadex through this three week period and during clomid pct use? Thanks

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4weeks after susta 3weeks is after deca different steroids leave body in different times winstrol takes only a few days... some say nolva is better some say clomid for PCT u can combine them many says that nolva gives fewer sides. but withdraws your gains more... and that clomid is better but gives more sides...

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I run both clomid and nolva for PCT. Are you running nolva throughout your cycle already?

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Originally posted by uppy Everyone generally agrees you should start pct three weeks after your last sustanon shot. Should you continue to take nolvadex through this three week period and during clomid pct use? Thanks The easiest time in a cycle to get gyno is Post cycle. As the AS leaves your body it progressively changes to Estrogen and seeing as u have no "natural" test to replace it, and u arent taking any new shots of test, this is the time when u are most likely to get gyno. Im assuming by what u posted that u have been running nolva throughout your cycle. I dont advise doing that, its an unnecessary expense, however, if u are gyno prone, or just freaked about it, it will only hurt your gains marginally if u do run it so, hey, for peace of mind, it cant be that bad. For the 3 weeks u are talking about, the most i would run it at is 20 mgs/day, At this point u shouldnt be posting new gains, so it wont hurt u....anti-e's in high dosages and over time can cause some serious health problems, as estrogen, in small quantities is vital to alot of body functions. U can run it with your clomid PC, same thing as above...not going to hurt u.....personnaly I think it is unnecessary..but hey, alot of ppl go nuts on the anti-e's. *cough* Littlewilly *cough*

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I run Nolva post cycle with Clomid the first week after I'm off. I don't use it during the cycle unless my nipples feel a little bit itchy. Estrogen levels are high post cycle so it only makes sense to use it.

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LittleWilly & Valkyl, yes I am running 10mg ed through cycle. I tend to hold ALOT of water, and I think less water retention will help keep my blood pressure down.
