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nolva/clomid info

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I have also posted this on the endurance board since that is what i am interested in but incase some guys don't check it i will post here too...

I've been researching detection times of clomid and nolva as I am planning on using these for PCT after a prop cycle and both are on the WADA banned list. None of the boards seem to have detection times on them for these, looking on pubmed i have found some times


''oral Clomid has a 1/2 life in the plasma of 5 days, but trace amounts have been found at least 6 weeks after dosing suggesting that the drug undergoes enterohepatic recycling (Adashi, 1996; Ginsburg, 1996)

excreted principally in the faeces and to a lesser extent in the urine

tamoxifen pk concentration is 5 hrs following administration of a single 20mg dose, terminal elimination 1/2 life is ~5-7 days, also mainly eliminated in the faeces''

these say a 1/2 life of nolva from7-9 days

Since the 1/2 life of Clomid is ~5 days and according to

1/2 life for propionate is 4.5 days does it follow that clearance times for a urine test would be similar to that of Test Prop - 2 weeks according to this

or is it likely to be different due to the fact that Testosterone is tested for using the t:e ratio?

Since both Clomid and nolva are primarily excreted in the faeces, but still a bit in the urine is the detection time likely to be less than this?

Any views on this? I am trying to plan my cycle so there is no chance of a positive urine test for test. HCG or nolva/Clomid. I had been persuaded from what i have read that nolva is best, but since it seems to have a slightly longer 1/2 life than Clomid i think for a potential drug test Clomid is a better choice.

Any opinions please?

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Any bro's with knowledge of whether the 1/2 life of Clomid being close top that of prop means it will test positive fr a similar duration?
Am i correct in thinking that the longer 1/2 life if nolva means it will stay in the urine longer? (even thought most is excreted in the faeces and I can't see them asking for a bottle of that to test!)


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I'm no biochemist, certainly, and I don't have the answers, specifically, to your question... but I'd be very careful making simplistic assumptions about detection times being linearly corelated with half-life.

There are all kinds of factors involved. For example, the metabolites of some substances (nandrolone comes to mind) are detectable for months and months after the original compound has been cleared.
