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[Sticky] Newly Updated Recommendations--- HCG & PCT

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El Mucho
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Posted by: pound4pound

What causes the loss of libido when taking something such as Letrozole?

I think that libido is determined on the balance of Testosterone to Estrogen. Because winstrol, Primobolan, and Drostanolone can kill the libido when taken in high amounts or for too long. None of those steroids convert into Estrogen but they're DHT derivatives. So I'm guessing that it's the natural battle and balance between Estrogen and DHT that somehow raises and lowers a man's sex drive. Throw off either one of them by using something as strong as Letrozole or just letting Estrogen run rampant and you seem to end up with a soft peter.

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Posted by: pound4pound
Could I get some further clarification:

What causes the loss of libido when taking something such as Letrozole? I've never said it did... While on cycles guys do alot of guessing at why their libido drops and until I know exactly what they are doing I wouldn't be able to guess...

What made you decide that 6 weeks of Aromasin is optimal for PCT? This is a good question... Its just experience plus knowing that in this case more is better... The only way to truely know how long to go you would have to get blood work done before the cycle then several times during PCT to find out how long to go to be back to where you started... To keep your new muscle and avoid a crash and lag time till your test levels are back to normal you need a long PCT to ensure that it happens and an AI will safely increase your test level by 50-60% during this time... Plus Clomid raises estrogen levels above normal so the AI should extend past the use of clomid so that high estrogens are avoided... The AI can be used as a bridge to your next cycle so you truely can't go wrong by doing a long PCT...

How is there any aromatising when aromasin is an irreversible aromatase inhibitor? Aromasin will only stop up to 60% of Test from aromatising at normal test levels



Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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Posted by: tmx

I've never heard of this ("The AI can be used as a bridge to your next cycle") before. It sounds very interesting. Could you please tell us more? What is the theory behind it and what is the protocol? Is there a specific use for this type of bridge?



I suggested AI's as a bridge a very long time ago and have mentioned it several times since...

It's quite simple,,, AI's will increase natural test production from 50-60% as long as you arent on gear and your testes function normally... Its been shown in studies that when you first start an AI your estrogens will dramaticly drop but then your Test production picks up which leads to higher level of estrogens evening out so you end up with low normal estrogen level with 50-60% higher test level and this means its very safe as estrogens arent kept below normal.

I would suggest that if you plan on doing this long term to get blood work done before and during so you can see the difference for yourself and that all is well like expected. Studies like these have been done long term... 2yrs at a time showing its safe. Aromasin would be my AI of choice since it doesn't affect Cholesterol, gh or IGF


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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I am on a cycle of test cyp 200 mg test prop 50mg and tren 50 me EOD. I need help on how to use the HCG protocol to try and lift my crash. I have been on the cycle for 4 weeks now.


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Posted by: PHREEK
I am on a cycle of test cyp 200 mg test prop 50mg and tren 50 me EOD. I need help on how to use the HCG protocol to try and lift my crash. I have been on the cycle for 4 weeks now.


Please start a new thread...and reread what I wrote in this thread to get an understanding and I'll help you out...



Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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cool. thanks a lot for the info!!

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You want proper feedback from experience and even backed up my citation?... you go to !!!

You guys and gals are simply the best. Period **

** ((is that right? period? i'm foreign))

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My source does not offer this exact brand name {Cabaser(Cabergoline, Dostinex)} any ideas of other names this might be offered under... Also my source is currently out of HCG (not sure when it will be restocked)... If anybody knows of sub products for HCG please inform me of this as well.... Thank you for your time

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