low dose test and P...
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low dose test and PCT

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For a cycle of Test Cyp(125mg/week) for 12 weeks what PCT would you guys recommend? and what are your views about a make the cycle longer 18-20 wks?


Disclamier - I did do a search prior to posting the question but did not get specific info

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Any input? Is PCT even needed?

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access to HCG/clomid/ some sort of AI?

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49 years old and weight is 159. Have access to HCG, Clomid and a.i. - Would also like to go longer than 12 weeks on test based on positive experience following 5 weeks

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Any input would be greatly appreciated

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It kind of looks like you will be staying "on" for your whole season, or at least most of it. I would say that PCT will be necessary, but feel that it is necessary in most instances. What is your past cycle history? Is this a first cycle? Personally, for endurance, I prefer Clomid over Nolva, but either would do the trick. Wait 10 days after last shot then start standard 4 week PCT.


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Thanks for the feedback. Not my first cycle. Have done several cycles before but at higher doses (test + eq) along with PCT (hcg + nolv). I guess I was hoping to get away without PCT with this low dose. Based on your comments I will go with HCG and Clomid

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I've seen data indicating shutdown within 3 weeks at that dose. I don't see a point in cycling at that low dosage level. If you're going to stay on HRT it makes sense; otherwise I would suggest 200mg/week or higher....but that's just me.

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Posted by: dial_tone
I've seen data indicating shutdown within 3 weeks at that dose. I don't see a point in cycling at that low dosage level. If you're going to stay on HRT it makes sense; otherwise I would suggest 200mg/week or higher....but that's just me.

I agree.
Unless you have normal low Testosterone you're not really going to be running anything higher than what your normal production is

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depends on the user....again for Miggy 150mg pw was optimum....other might be 200, btu I don't think over 250mg for endurance is too useful in most cases. except perhaps very flat races.

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Posted by: need4speed
Thanks for the feedback. Not my first cycle. Have done several cycles before but at higher doses (test + eq) along with PCT (hcg + nolv). I guess I was hoping to get away without PCT with this low dose. Based on your comments I will go with HCG and Clomid

I hear you, but after such a long bout, the extra inscurance provided by PCT will pay off. As some of the others have noted, you may want to play with the dosage some. A possible stategy could be to use a little extra on hard training/racing weeks, prop is great for this as it is easier to control. AAS use is a balancing act for us endurance guys, if we use a lil to much, your off the back. I am "good" in the 150mg/week range for test. I have found this to be the dosage where I personally don't gain weight, and actually do lean out a bit, but am able to recover very quickly.


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Hey Guys thanks for all your input. I hear about what you are saying about the dose. The reason 125mg was chosen was based on past experince. Previous experince with 200-300 mg Test Prop resulted in significant weight gain (along with a very painful backside). This current dose of 125 test cyp has had very little effect on weight but has had a very positive effect on recovery and on hard training days I feel as if I can rip the cranks off (this is also supported by increase power data from SRM)

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Yes i also find prop 50mg 3xp/w is great for reco.I dont expect strength gains from it ,it more than replaces the test i have lost during hard training.If u have had strength gains from 125mg cyp p/w then u must have had a low test level B4. If i was going to use test for strength i would use 500-750mg p/w at. M/track

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mtrack, what was your weigjht gain like at the 500-750mg dose?
thanks, rawdog

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Any response to the orginal question?

