Letrozole Question.
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Letrozole Question.

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I just got my liquid fermara at 2.5 mg/cc and took 1cc this morning(YUK!) i had a few questions that I'd like answered . 1.I took a whole cc by accident, is that a bad thing?? I know the dosage is 1/2 cc but any ways its a mistake I will not make again. Now since I took 1cc today that means I take nothing tomorrow right ? 2.How long does it take to start working or feeling a difference(sore nips) ? and how long does it stay active in your system for ? 3. I have some sore nips, and just started a cycle of deca(400mgs wk) and omndaren(500mgs wk). Even tho I've been taking nolva for a while they still stay sore...I am hoping that the fermara will stop the high estrogen production from happening....and if it don't ..then I am screwed. Will it lower my estrogen production right away ? Sorry for the rant...I never used this stuff before.

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Anyone ?

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Maybe is all I can say. I had big peanut sized lumps under my nips from this last cycle. I looked past teh sensitive nipples for about 7 wks till Inoticed the lumps. It took 9 days of bromo at 2.5mg/d and 5 days of 1mg/d of liquidex to get rid of it. so if you still sore after about 5 days you might want to look into getting something else

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I am thinking of getting gyno surgery, this bodybuilder/surgeon in montreal specializes in gyno surgery for bodybuilders. And removes the gland so that the gyno dont come back.....he also does it a special way so that the nipple dont cave in....the total comes to 650$ cdn so I think I might just get my shit removed so I dont have to worry anymore.

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fuck that. swalling a litle dex a day is easy enough I actually like the taste of it
