Letrozole, liquid. ...
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Letrozole, liquid. Real thing?

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Just after a bit of feedback on my meds. My letro arrived recently and its not looking like wah i expected atall. Got a blue 5" bottle with a pipette dropper for a cap. I expected something more of a 'lab-look' if you take my meaning, like my test-E bottles etc but this don't look quite right. I guess its the plainess of the label really...
I'll PM a mod the source if invited, but i don't wanna break da rules. But they are a fairly well known research err chemist.
Ps i've tried to load a pic, but i can't get this to work (gave up)

Yeh, i know who i should have stuck with but the price was right..

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Posted by: ironclad
Just after a bit of feedback on my meds. My Letro arrived recently and its not looking like wah i expected atall. Got a blue 5" bottle with a pipette dropper for a cap. I expected something more of a 'lab-look' if you take my meaning, like my Test-E bottles etc but this don't look quite right. I guess its the plainess of the label really...
I'll PM a mod the source if invited, but i don't wanna break da rules. But they are a fairly well known research err chemist.
Ps i've tried to load a pic, but i can't get this to work (gave up)

Yeh, i know who i should have stuck with but the price was right..

Sounds like what I've used. Worked well for me, think I may know where it's from by your description and they should be good to go.
