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Don't know if this is the place for this.
I seem to be converting T into e-2. Which gives me belly fat only. I am going to use letro to attempt to rid myself of the excess e-2. I will be doing .25 every 3 days. Now with the Kalpa letro @ ( I think it is) 1.25 how would one dose it to get the .25. I don't want to overkill the estrogen and get out of balance.
Any ideas?

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Use a syringe, and fill 1/5th of a mL.

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btw. if by belly fat you are talking abdominal fat, that is a male fat pattern distribution and most likely caused by overeating. It could be water retention in which case the letro would help however if it is just too many calories letro will not help.


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Posted by: jboldman
btw. if by belly fat you are talking abdominal fat, that is a male fat pattern distribution and most likely caused by overeating. It could be water retention in which case the letro would help however if it is just too many calories letro will not help.


Actually My estrogen is high and I am on HRT @ 200 a week of test e
I diet and excersice my ass off and nothing gives. I also feel that with me drinking 2-3 brandies, may help with e-2 rise as well.
Calories are really not much between 2-2400 daily. If that Last edited by heavyweight on 05-14-2007 at 05:20 PM

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What are your total test and E2 levels at 200 mg/week? And kind of ester are you using?

JB is right, you have to eat less (less carbs) and increase a bit your cardio work everyday.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: guijr
What are your total test and E2 levels at 200 mg/week? And kind of ester are you using?

JB is right, you have to eat less (less carbs) and increase a bit your cardio work everyday.

Dunno the level I know my doc claimed was high. The test actually makes me just about within limits he says.

As for carbs, Well other than give them a;ll up completely, I eat very little carbs at all. More protein and healthy fats. My carbs will be oatmeal or vegetables. Nothing more.
As for the ester, I am on test enanthate.
As for cardio, well when I hit the hour mark for cardio and then the 1.5 hour mark for working out. I sort of got pissed and slowed down due to lack of loss.

I am not new to this game< i have been doing this for 27 years. Just suddenly the fat will not release from me since the HRT started. My doc said he wanted to give me a different ester to keep down the water and fat retention. But he gave me ( of all things) Nolvadex instaed. Claiming this will control estrogen. So I decided to experiment and see what happens at .25 every 3 days.

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If it is estrogen related, you should be taking an AI not a serm. Arimidex seems to be a popular choice. see if he will provide a script for this.

I gotta tell you that alcohol is the bodies preferreed fuel and once you tip that first brandy back you cause any fat burning to come to a screeching halt. three brandies a day is no way to lose weight. what is your height/weight? I am 200lbs/6.0' and if i eat over 1800 calories a day i gain fat. have you checked your thyropid functioning lately? how about a tsh blood test.


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This is what I told the doc about the AI, he claims I am wrong, so I just shut up. One other thing I am also on finasteride and hytrin for prostate. I quit test and gets even worse. This is another reason for the AI. Sometimes I feel i need to self medicate due to the docs inability to understand a few things.

Had thyroid tested and he said it was fine, but i read elsewhere that the test now adays is BS.
I am 6' 1" 280 pounds
I went on a low cal diet and it seemed to halt any loss at all. I should maybe go my old route I did when I was 29 I quit eating except for 1 meal a day and it was very little. Lost alot of weight by doing this. Not sure If I ready for it though.

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cut your calories to under 2000, cut out simple carbs and alcohol, do cario for 60min a day at least 5 days a week and you will lose weight.


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Posted by: jboldman
cut your calories to under 2000, cut out simple carbs and alcohol, do cario for 60min a day at least 5 days a week and you will lose weight.


I am going to cut drinking and start working out heavily.
I will take letro to lower estrogen until it my T levels come back to normal. I wil then attempt to stop using test injections for HRT. I have a feeling the low test is from alcohol intake. I beleive it lowers it for 24 hours after a few drinks something like 73%
This would also explain the prostate issues, sore joints etc.
As for diet, I will keep eating what I normally do.
After analyzing my intake it is roughly 1800 cals a day. With most of it being protein and healthy fats, with some complex carbs addd in.
As for cardio, I have a demanding job and have a kid I run around with alot. I will cut it to perhaps 30 minutes until my foot spur stops hurting. I will also continue lifting but I will cut that down a bit, I am thinking I am going overboard a bit. Perhaps an hour is sufficient.
I gotta get my head working and remember my past training and weight loss techniques that worked for me and others.

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that's the ticket. are you going to try something else other than test injections for hrt or are you considering getting off hrt completely. this is very much a head game as you know. I recently lost 25lbs over the course of three months and it has turned my head around. huge mental and physical difference.


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Posted by: jboldman
that's the ticket. are you going to try something else other than test injections for hrt or are you considering getting off hrt completely. this is very much a head game as you know. I recently lost 25lbs over the course of three months and it has turned my head around. huge mental and physical difference.


I did not get why you lost that weight. Please, elaborate.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: jboldman
that's the ticket. are you going to try something else other than test injections for hrt or are you considering getting off hrt completely. this is very much a head game as you know. I recently lost 25lbs over the course of three months and it has turned my head around. huge mental and physical difference.


I am going to play it by ear. I will see what my body feels like once my normal levels return. Then I will more thn likely get my Test tested by the doc to see where I am. Then I will go from there. This weekly shot for years is a pain to do, I would love to be able to not do it unless I felt I wanted to, not had to. But If possible I want off all the way.

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how do you plan to come off? do you have a protocol?


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Posted by: jboldman
how do you plan to come off? do you have a protocol?


I am thinking of cutting the dose of the T weekly for the next 3-4 weeks until it is at roughly 50 then discontinue. Or perhaps even use the creme daily and within a few weeks stop. If it is the alcohol cauing low t levels then it should come back fairly quick in maybe 4 weeks or so.

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