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How long will it take to produce sperm on hcg

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I've been on self imposed HRT since 02 at 250mg a week test enan.

I'm seriously contemplating another child and have never taken HCG.

Anyone with any thoughts as to how long it may take for my body to produce sperm again any suggested protocols?

And do I have to come off HRT to make this happen


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16 views and no responses? You've got to be kidding me is everyone in a self induced coma? lol
Come on now...
I have searched the archives however I want to know what you guys are doing and thinking NOW.

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Look for the post by JGUNS on this topic.

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Maybe you should try to make a sperm count test or keep on trying with you wife to have a baby.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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ok swole

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You may be producing sperm even without HCG. I can't answer your question but I can tell you that I've been on for more than 4 years, with HCG off and on, and I still produce sperm. The count is reduced, but there are more than enough to make a baby.

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My cousin was on a long Tren cycle, had absolutely no sex drive and a limp d**k to boot. Post-cycle he claimed to have used both clomid and HMG (not HCG) and got his girl Prego after 3 weeks. This is with a condom. Anyhow, take that claim with a grain of salt....but he did get the job done regardless (even though he didn't want to!)

I'm not sure about using HCG with AAS. since AAS will reduce sperm quality and quantity. My speculation is that it may work for a while post HCG shot and before you take the next AAS hit. But, I don't think it will be as effective at making you truly potent. HCG stimulates both Leydig and Sertoli cells so, in theory it should work like HMG with the additional boost of natural test production. Just not so sure it is as effective as HMG solely on sperm quality/quantity.

Anyhow, I'm no expert in the area.....but I thought I'd give you my $.02.

