hey ive had a little gyno (i think its gyno) under both nipples since puberty. i am 25 now, and its not that bad, but now that i am really starting to love bodybuilding its bothering me. my nips are a puffy and the lumps suck. ha, is there anyway to get it to go down naturally or is surgury the ONLY answer. If so, how much does it cost and can I get my insurance to cover it? thanks guys. i am looking good though since starting my new cycle, LOL.
man im in that same boat... i was selfconsious about it and initially started lifting thinking it'd make it less noticable. well it did just the opposite (at least from my perspective) i can't wait to get that hsit cut out... soon as i got the $$
ha, no shit man. ive never had anyone say anything about it. maybe cause im bigger and look better than them, ahha. na, but seriously, no girls ever complained and every one of my boys say they wish they looked like me, but it does bother me. i like when its cold out, they look fine then. maybe i will start using Prop, i hear it makes em hard at all times.
What did George on Sienfeld try to market for shit like this? The Bro wasnt it? The Bra for the titty endowed man!
hey it was george and kramer. georges dad loved that shit, hahaha.
Try nolva.. worked for me..
hey ive had a little gyno (i think its gyno) under both nipples since puberty. i am 25 now, and its not that bad, but now that i am really starting to love bodybuilding its bothering me. my nips are a puffy and the lumps suck. ha, is there anyway to get it to go down naturally or is surgury the ONLY answer. If so, how much does it cost and can I get my insurance to cover it? thanks guys. i am looking good though since starting my new cycle, LOL.
I think the only close to perment solution is having surgery. I'm in the same situation as you. I've heard that insurance will cover it,,, sometimes. I was just chatting on another board with a girl who used to work at a plastic surgens office about this very subject and she sent me a few links. From what I read it sounded like I would not be a candidate for insurance to cover it. Who really knows though. If you have insurance go and find a surgen who has performed gyno surgery, ask to see before and after pics of clients. Your initial consultation should be covered by insurance, and that should determine if your insurance will cover it. (This is what I was told anyways) If you want to read the links she sent me drop me a pm and I'll send you them.