good pct for this c...
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good pct for this cycle

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Imo take a 14 week sus 325 and deca and d bol cycle. Cutting the deca out on week 12
And taking the d bol for 4.5 weeks. I have nolva for pct. Question is what else should I take with the nolva. I don't lake clomid so what else should I get to stack with it if I even need something else.

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Have to agree with my man Biggs. Are you currently running this cycle?

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

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Posted by: Biggin
Yeah bro, not tryin to be a dick about this, but damn, been following this dude since his first post, and he's just not getting it Imo! These type users give this Sport and Performance Enhancing Compounds a Bad Rap! Just speaking what I know from experience, see it alot these dayz. Alwayz in a hurry with no plan whatsoever, none!

Ok dude I almost didn't even reply to this cause you have no clue what I do for a living. If you did you would know I don't have all the time in the world like you to Google about cycles and pct. If you been following mesince I registered then you would know how long it takes me to respond to a reply. And you would Romember my post about cooling my syringes down cause where I live is way hot and I'm on the road all the time. I'm home maybe 3 days a week.if I'm lucky. Anyways I guess all I'm going to get on this site is a know it all that tells me I don't know what I'm doing.All I know is clomid for pct so sorry for trying nolva for the first time and wondering what else would be good to take with it. I'll just take the nolva and if I have any question ill Google it instead of asking on this forum. Lol

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Posted by: Biggin
I guess U do what U gotta do, cuz if U knew it all like me, U wouldn't be askin the same questions every 3 days,lol!

Anyways its whatever. Say what you want cause I'm still gettin big. And still look foward to what you gotta say even if you talkin shit cause ill talk it to.

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So what do you want bro us to do? Your research for you and educate you with no work on your part?

The reason we want people to do the leg work is so they know what they're putting in in their body and what the possible sides or outcomes will be.

If you don't understand basic cycles, blood-work, AI's, Serms, PCT protocols, diet, exercise and you haven't been training properly for several years then you are not ready for AAS.

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

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Posted by: Dmf1981
I don't have all the time in the world like you to Google about cycles and pct.

Then you have no business in this game... it's not for the lazy. It takes work, in the books, in the gym, and in the kitchen.

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

starquest maniac
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 17
Posted by: Dmf1981
Ok dude I almost didn't even reply to this cause you have no clue what I do for a living. If you did you would know I don't have all the time in the world like you to Google about cycles and pct. If you been following mesince I registered then you would know how long it takes me to respond to a reply. And you would Romember my post about cooling my syringes down cause where I live is way hot and I'm on the road all the time. I'm home maybe 3 days a week.if I'm lucky. Anyways I guess all I'm going to get on this site is a know it all that tells me I don't know what I'm doing.All I know is clomid for pct so sorry for trying nolva for the first time and wondering what else would be good to take with it. I'll just take the nolva and if I have any question ill Google it instead of asking on this forum. Lol

Woooooo! Pump the brakes bro! They are just showing you tough love man! thats the best love IMO! You have been a member here for a while, so you know whats up bro! Please don't skip to another board either. We want you here, but you have to read just a tad bit more. Nobody Googles, all the info is ALL RIGHT HERE AND FREE! I remember you are on the road it's all good, just find out everything from A-Z on what you are running, and what you need first! It's all here bro! These questions come up at least 2-3 times every day. Nolva/A-sin/Clomid PCT protocols are in the stickies. Tons of them and duration, and dose. You can't blame these guys for jumping your shit, cause they have been down your roads several times. They are not your dads, but they don't want you making the mistakes they have made going through the motions of AAS use. AAS is not a game and can leave you all fucked up if not careful. So have a beer and chill and go look at the stickies and if you are still uncertain than ask the right questions from now on!

DISCLAIMER: Starquest Maniac is completely fictional and not a true human being. As a matter of fact, I am a loser who has nothing better to do than imagine what life would be like if AAS was legal! Everything I say is a lie, and that's the TRUTH!! LOL!
I am a Testicle Professional
30yrs old, 6'0ft, 178lbs, 7.0% BF
PCT, so I can be breast tissue FREE!

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A yo and just to break the ice a little bit my user name DMF don't mean dumb mother fuc*#r. Lol but I did get a lot of shit over it at one point in my life. I see what everybody sayin. A biggin remember when I was talkin about a good cutting cycle for my wife and I told you I wouldn't tell her about var untill she shows me she really wants it and gets her act together in the gym and diet? She actually doing it. She losing weight. It seems harder for her then any other girl but maybe its cause she Mexican. Lol. She my mamacita so I hope nobody gets offended by that. Anyways hope no hard feelings . It's cool if I got time for bullshiting on here I got time to research. Sorry everybody

starquest maniac
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 17

Well hot damn! I am glad I posted that! We are family here bro! Yeah, Spanish jeans seemed to have once had my Cuban Women in that boat. Made her a sick ass meal plan and results have been awesome. AAS use came much later......

DISCLAIMER: Starquest Maniac is completely fictional and not a true human being. As a matter of fact, I am a loser who has nothing better to do than imagine what life would be like if AAS was legal! Everything I say is a lie, and that's the TRUTH!! LOL!
I am a Testicle Professional
30yrs old, 6'0ft, 178lbs, 7.0% BF
PCT, so I can be breast tissue FREE!

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If you dont have time, then u dont need to be messing with AAS. Cause it takes ALOT of time to learn and research.

Hell, i been at this for 10yrs and i STILL ask Questions.

And I own a company, 2 ex wifes, 2 kids, 2 GF's. Dont wanna hear about NO TIME. either you make it or you dont.


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Posted by: androallen

And I own a company, 2 ex wifes, 2 kids, 2 GF's. Dont wanna hear about NO TIME. either you make it or you dont.


LOL I hope they don't visit this site!

BTW, Andro's right.

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Trust me I'm really into this. I'll make the time to research and stop being a bitch. Actually looked some stuff up last night about my questions on pct. Never really looked at the stickies but glad I did
