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Hey what side effects do you get with taking femara what effect does it have on your pituray gland? Does your body realese more Testosterone because the estrogen levels are lower? I am taking 2.5 mg every second day and I get headaches sometimes but nothign major yet.

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do a search theres info on side affects..

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This is what i read.... significantly decreased plasma estrogen = low libido, possible decreased bone mineralisation on long term, don't think it has any typical clomid like hpta effect as in increased LH, FSH. On the other hand it is said to increase igf-1 secretion by the liver compared with decreased secretion with nolv and arimidex intake. U taking it alone and not on any test etc? cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

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the lowered libido is off set by running test with it, so thats not a problem. femara is the best IMO.

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I am taking taking test with it why would I bve taking it on my own for? unless you mean post cycle. Why does it lower your libido and why does it increase igf?

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Just curious thats why i asked bro ๐Ÿ™‚ Coz some people were posting that they're taking it on its own to lower their natural estrogen to lose fat!!! Its not really a good choice post cycle too. I'm not sure about why it lowers the libido...but seems that libido has to do with balance between test and estrogen ratio. About the igf increase....i have no idea on its biochemical reasoning but thats just what i read on comparing the different anti-estrogen and anti-aromatase ๐Ÿ™‚ cheers.

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Originally posted by BigKev the lowered libido is off set by running test with it, so thats not a problem. femara is the best IMO. wish that was the case for me.. running 1g/wk and femara @ 1mg eod and I lost all intrest with in 2 weeks.. tried it again while running fina/prop 100mg ea/ed and was losing intrest after 4 days.. and gave it one last try at 1mg every 3-4 days(still have half a bottle ๐Ÿ™‚ ) while doing 600mg sust/wk and and it slowed me down..

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why does it do that thought testosterone gives you your libdo not estrogen

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ironman_845 i find that a small dose of dbol for a few days usually brings the interest back ๐Ÿ˜€ hgh, as i mentioned i'm not sure of the biochemical effect for libido but i'm sure the simplied reasoning is that its a balance between the test and estrogen. Maybe someone here can answer this question for u ๐Ÿ™‚

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Originally posted by hgh why does it do that thought testosterone gives you your libdo not estrogen Test can/does convert to estrogen in the body.

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Yeah I know that test coverts to estrogen so you need a bit of estrogen to give you a libido?

Quiet E.
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wow...these sides are the total opposite from me...i have a side effect that most guys would love but it gets annoying after a while to me..femara doesnt lower anything inme, but rises like an animal with no reasoning whatsoever...i want sex every minute of poor little 108 lb girlfriend has to beat me off with dynamite to keep me its the test.. Quiet E.

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Originally posted by Luto ironman_845 i find that a small dose of dbol for a few days usually brings the interest back ๐Ÿ˜€ Yep.. works well for me too..

Mister Grim
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Originally posted by BigKev the lowered libido is off set by running test with it, so thats not a problem. femara is the best IMO. I'm running 1.75mg/day of Femara along with 2-2.5g Test/week and I've got NO libido. lol.=pissed:

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no sex drive here either,using 1.25eod of femara.also i find my joints more sore when using it..........LATER

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