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Deca and EQ in the same cycle?

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I have heard the 600 Eq 600 Deca with 1 gram of test is giving people good results.

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my cycle starts in 2 weeks 1000mg's test, 600 deca , 500 EQ w / a 3 week d-bol kick off

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Finally you monkies have seen the light!!! It about time you guys listened to me and started running Deca and EQ! No better bulker than Test/Deca/EQ...for pure mass Test/Deca/EQ + some Dbol to get thing going is the shizzle fo' hizzle ma nizzle

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not a good idea to run the 2 together.. not b/c of the old misconception of the same receptor site bullshit, but b/c deca is gonna make u put on some water and fill u out where eq is more lean mass.. if u want size without the water just use the test/deca/dbol with some arimidex or if u want more lean mass use the test/eq cycle save urself some $$$ and yes i have used them together, nothing great

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I like to run a touch of deca for the joint lube well for me anyhow......

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Originally posted by anointed not a good idea to run the 2 together.. not b/c of the old misconception of the same receptor site bullshit, but b/c deca is gonna make u put on some water and fill u out where eq is more lean mass.. if u want size without the water just use the test/deca/dbol with some arimidex or if u want more lean mass use the test/eq cycle save urself some $$$ Money wasnt a problem and for pure strength the 2 together are great.

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I agree the two together would be awesome. I don't care about the money either. Bulk powder is cheap. I didn't get much bloat from the deca either like some people say. Maybe its the ECA's and cardio with it?

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Originally posted by hitmeoff Finally you monkies have seen the light!!! It about time you guys listened to me and started running Deca and EQ! No better bulker than Test/Deca/EQ...for pure mass Test/Deca/EQ + some Dbol to get thing going is the shizzle fo' hizzle ma nizzle Throw in some fina and you're really cooking.. in a few weeks I'm going to try it out with some drol.. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Originally posted by ironone1 I agree the two together would be awesome. I don't care about the money either. Bulk powder is cheap. I didn't get much bloat from the deca either like some people say. Maybe its the ECA's and cardio with it? I'm sure the eca's and cardio helps.. what's the diet look like?

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Totally agree about combining Test, EQ, Deca... 800mg Cyp, 400mg Nandrolone Cyp, 600mg EQ.

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Originally posted by ironman_845 I'm sure the eca's and cardio helps.. what's the diet look like? My diet wasn't that great. I ate alot of fast food cheeseburgers. I just stick with the basics, low carbs high protein. I eat alot of eggs, chicken, and hamburger. I get my veggies from alot of salads, and stay away from the sugary ones like corn and carrots. I limit the sweets and ice cream and eat mainly complex carbs like potatoes and rice. For breakfast its eggs, oatmeal or cerial, always with skim milk. I drink alot of milk, protein shakes, water and gatorade. I limit juice cause of the sugar. That's about it, nothing special. My favorite meal is my wife's homemade sauce with meatballs, pork and sausage. Fattening, but I gorge myself on it though, lol. ๐Ÿ˜€

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low carbs is the ticket.. I bloat like a balloon if I even look at a piece of cake..

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Hey, who you callin a monkey? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Originally posted by ironone1 My diet wasn't that great. I ate alot of fast food cheeseburgers. I just stick with the basics, low carbs high protein. I eat alot of eggs, chicken, and hamburger. I get my veggies from alot of salads, and stay away from the sugary ones like corn and carrots. I limit the sweets and ice cream and eat mainly complex carbs like potatoes and rice. For breakfast its eggs, oatmeal or cerial, always with skim milk. I drink alot of milk, protein shakes, water and gatorade. I limit juice cause of the sugar. That's about it, nothing special. My favorite meal is my wife's homemade sauce with meatballs, pork and sausage. Fattening, but I gorge myself on it though, lol. ๐Ÿ˜€ I would lose the gatorade unless it was part of my post workout drink.

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Yeah, I know gatorade has alot of sugar in it. I just get sick of drinking just water all the time, and it quenches my thirst. I add a twist of lemon to the water sometimes so its not so bland.

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