Clomid, Nolva and H...
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Clomid, Nolva and HCG for testicular atrophy?

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I'm 35 and doing TRT for 6 months. Also I have done my "first cycle" of test cypionate @ 200 mg/week for 8 weeks. Here is the cycle results:

I have noticed that my left ball is not as big and down than before starting TRT, specially when I have a hard on. I started to notice that during week 6 of the aforementionated cycle.

Okay, I got some questions:

1. Maybe I'm going nuts, but I think the boys are a little bit better. Is it possible to happen?

2. Just wondering what do you think of using clomid, Novaldex and/or HCG to revert that atrophy. I mean should I run Clomid solo,nolva solo, or HCG solo? Or would be a better idea to run a combination of Clomid and Nolva or a mix of Clomid, Nolva and HCG? What would be the protocols?

3. As I matter of fact, what I wanted to know is that if Clomid, Nolva may play the same role as HCG to revert testicular atrophy related to test administration?

On a side note, it seems that even low dose test can lead to sides like testicular atrophy.

Thanks in advance.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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If you are taking more test than you need then your testicals will not make any, so they will atrophy.

HCG at 500iu every 4 days would be a good way to remedy the situation IMO.

I belive it was SWALE who 1st indroduced this protocol?

I have used it with great success on cycles well over 1g per week.

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i agree, try taking low dose hcg during your cycle to keep the boys up and running. you can reference that oft quoted study on intra-testicular test and hcg for mor info on doses.


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Posted by: jboldman
i agree, try taking low dose hcg during your cycle to keep the boys up and running. you can reference that oft quoted study on intra-testicular test and hcg for mor info on doses.


You mean the following one, right?

Coviello AD, Matsumoto AM, Bremner WJ, et al. Low-dose human chorionic gonadotropin maintains intratesticular Testosterone in normal men with testosterone-induced gonadotropin suppression. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(5):2595-602.


In previous studies of testicular biopsy tissue from healthy men, intratesticular testosterone (ITT) has been shown to be much higher than serum testosterone (T), suggesting that high ITT is needed relative to serum T for normal spermatogenesis in men. However, the quantitative relationship between ITT and spermatogenesis is not known. To begin to address this issue experimentally, we determined the dose-response relationship between human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and ITT to ascertain the minimum dose needed to maintain ITT in the normal range. Twenty-nine men with normal reproductive physiology were randomized to receive 200 mg T enanthate weekly in combination with either saline placebo or 125, 250, or 500 IU hCG every other day for 3 wk. ITT was assessed in testicular fluid obtained by percutaneous fine needle aspiration at baseline and at the end of treatment. Baseline serum T (14.1 nmol/liter) was 1.2% of ITT (1174 nmol/liter). LH and FSH were profoundly suppressed to 5% and 3% of baseline, respectively, and ITT was suppressed by 94% (1234 to 72 nmol/liter) in the T enanthate/placebo group. ITT increased linearly with increasing hCG dose (P < 0.001). Posttreatment ITT was 25% less than baseline in the 125 IU hCG group, 7% less than baseline in the 250 IU hCG group, and 26% greater than baseline in the 500 IU hCG group. These results demonstrate that relatively low dose hCG maintains ITT within the normal range in healthy men with gonadotropin suppression. Extensions of this study will allow determination of the ITT concentration threshold required to maintain spermatogenesis in man.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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this is the classic study.

