clomid after 1-test...
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clomid after 1-test?

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i have read threads claiming you don't need clomid and threads saying you do need clomid after a cycle of 1-Test Cyp(nothing else stacked). i was wondering if i could get some advice from others on the subject. i might try dazed's 1-test cyp or go for real gear (still undecided), i have yet to cross to the darkside. and if you do need clomid after a 1-test cycle is the oral clomid from liquid research any good?

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I would never touch 1-test myself. After a regular gear cycle awlays run clomid.

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Originally posted by littlewilly I would never touch 1-test myself. I thought you where one of the people who said 1-test was good? I could of sworn you took part in some of my threads on the subject. To college_lifter, you may need the clomid after a full cycle of 1-test Cypionate so I would keep some on hand.

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Dont think that was me Goanna......could be though I'm getting senile in me old age....LOL. I never ran injectable 1 test myself.

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Originally posted by college_lifter i might try dazed's 1-test cyp or go for real gear (still undecided) 1-test IS real gear. If "real" means "illegal" to you then you might be surprised at the potency of some "fake" stuff. Anyway, yes you will need clomid (or another anti-E) after a 1-test cycle, just as you would after any other steroid cycle. And yes, LR's liquid clomid has received outstanding feedback from users. Oh, and Dazed's is probably some of the best 1-test cyp out there so I'd definitely stick with him.

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1-test is crap, a waste of money. it is by no means "real gear".

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Originally posted by BigKev 1-test is crap, a waste of money. it is by no means "real gear". I beg to differ. I used both the name brand tablets and my own homebrew 1-test cypionate and it does work. I get a lot of strength and hardness with no bloat. Plus it doesnt aromatize. A lot of other bros have used it with the same results.

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It might work to some extent, but it is not "real gear" It is NOT an anabolic steroid....just a precursor.

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Yes run Clomid 1-Test is very surpressive.

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Originally posted by Kow 1-test IS real gear. If "real" means "illegal" to you then you might be surprised at the potency of some "fake" stuff. Anyway, yes you will need clomid (or another anti-E) after a 1-test cycle, just as you would after any other steroid cycle. And yes, LR's liquid clomid has received outstanding feedback from users. Oh, and Dazed's is probably some of the best 1-test cyp out there so I'd definitely stick with him. I tried 1-test, gained 3 pounds then lost it after. Have to take a lot and it is expensive. Waste of time and money. Get the real thing. 🙂

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1-test is a steroid. It is not a precursor. It does not have to be converted. It is a steroid. Read that again: it is a steroid. Perhaps it would be better stated as "it is not not a steroid" but whatever. Most applications of 1-test are useless (orally). Transdermal applications yield good results most of the time. Injection is where it's at. It is the "real thing," assuming that by "real thing" you mean "anabolic steroid," because that's what it is. Re-read that first paragraph. The only reason you think it's not the "real thing" is because it's legal. I guess only when it's finally classified as a prescription anabolic steroid will you guys think that it's the "real thing." I don't mean to sound snobby, but the fact that 1-test is a steroid is exactly that: a fact. That is indisputable. It's just as much the "real thing" as any other AAS. It's just not illegal (yet). Maybe when it becomes illegal, you'll give it its due credit...because as we all know, effectiveness of a product is determined by its legality. Case in point:clen vs. ephedrine. We all know that everyone has better results on clen than ephedrine, right? I mean, no matter what, all the cases of people liking ephedrine better than clen are lies, because ephedrine is for the most part still legal. In places like Indiana (I think?), though, ephedrine has just become outstandingly effective because it was recently made illegal for sale there.

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oral 1-test(hypothetically saying it will work) would be ineffective orally unless you took hands full of them because they arent 17aa and would be broken down by your body, thats a fact. and it would aromatize, if it doesnt it would be being converted to test now would it? the stuff is a waste, and if your gonna home brew it(i assume your injecting) why not just get the real thing and make some gains?

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Originally posted by Hardcoregrowth1 It might work to some extent, but it is not "real gear" It is NOT an anabolic steroid....just a precursor. Actually it is an anabolic steroid. It requires no enzymatic reation to be effective in your body and it bonds directly to androgen receptors. It is not a prohormone or hormone precursor. Granted, it is not as effective as some of the black market steroids, but it does work and the price has droped considerably over the last few months. $20.00 gets me enough 1-test cypionate powder for a full cycle from 1fast400. I agree with the above post. I think that just because it is still legal, people dont think it will work. I bet that when it becomes illegal, which is probably going to be relatively soon, it will be on all the black market lists and people will be saying it is great.

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Originally posted by BigKev oral 1-test(hypothetically saying it will work) would be ineffective orally unless you took hands full of them because they arent 17aa and would be broken down by your body, thats a fact. and it would aromatize, if it doesnt it would be being converted to test now would it? the stuff is a waste, and if your gonna home brew it(i assume your injecting) why not just get the real thing and make some gains? It doesnt need to aromatize into test because it is test. it is not a prohormone, it is a steroid. the oral effectiveness comes from the modification of the testosterone molecule from having 1 carbon molecule in the begining of the chain instead of four. It shares this modification with a couple of older steroids that I can not think of right now. I will look them up. I have the real thing but I am saving it untill after my ankle surgery next month. I decieded to make some homebrew 1-test cypionate because it is cheap, legal, and easy to obtain.

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oral 1-test(hypothetically saying it will work) would be ineffective orally unless you took hands full of them because they arent 17aa and would be broken down by your body, thats a fact. You're absolutely right on this. 1-test has a poor oral bioavailability, just a few %'s higher than testosterone's. I feel like most people that say it sucks have taken it orally, which is about like saying test doesn't work because they took it orally. That's why I said transdermal or, better yet, injection is a much better method of administration. There is a methyl-1-test out now which many people love, but I have a feeling that it would act much differently in the body than a 17aa-1-test would. and it would aromatize, if it doesnt it would be being converted to test now would it? It won't aromatize because it's not a form of testosterone. The name 1-testosterone is a bit misleading because it's I believe a derivative of DHT as opposed to being one of testosterone. If you were misled by the name "1-testosterone" then I can understand what you're saying. It can convert to DHT, though, even though it's not by 5-ar I don't think...I want to say that it's already 5-alpha-reduced, which would show how it's hard to explain how it does convert to DHT (I don't think anyone knows how it does, really), but I may be thinking of something else. the stuff is a waste, and if your gonna home brew it(i assume your injecting) why not just get the real thing and make some gains? Lots of people have made great gains off the stuff. Why don't you give it a shot? Ok, that was a bad joke, but really...there's tons of positive feedback on it. Dazed makes some of the best, but it's fairly easy to brew yourself since the information is pretty readily available. Either way, you may want to throw in 200-400mg/week with your next cycle for a little while just to see how you like it...Dazed has it at 100mg/ml, 10ml for $20, and you can probably make it yourself even cheaper.

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