Arimidex vs. Nolvad...
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Arimidex vs. Nolvadex controversy---Nolvadex 20mg every 4 days....Who does this?

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I originally planned on using Arimidex at .25mg EOD or ED during my Var(40mg/day for 8 wks), Sust (500mg/week for 10 wks) & deca(400mg/week for 8 wks)cycle, however after doing further research I choosing to go with Nolvadex. I was told to use only Nolvadex at early symptoms of Gyno, however, would it be ok to go ahead and throw a 20mg tab every 3 or 4 days just to be safe? I know Nolvadex is somewhat liver toxic, but I am taking alot of precautions for my liver and feel a 20mg tab every 3 or 4 days would work well and wouldn't hinder my gains as opposed to taking one everday. Reasons why I am going with nolva over Arimidex: 1) Nolvadex doesn't totally block esterogen(works as a estrogen receptor atangoist) and I think my overall gains with using Nolva would be better than if I went with arimidex because some estrogen is good during a cycle most since it heavily promotes strength and gains as well (increases GH, upgrades the androgen receptor, improves glucose utilization). 2) Scared to death of cholestorol also.....arimidex may have a profound impact on HDL to LDL ratio's in my cholesterol profile. What do you guys think??

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Thanks for posting the research studies. I'm very hesistant in using more than .25 mg of A-dex per day. I want to go with .25mg EOD. So that brings me to my next question, would would be more of an effective measure to prevent the formation of gyno and not raise hell on my Lipid Profile. A) .25mg A-dex EOD B) 10mg of Nolva EOD please give me your input on that...

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Not worried about my liver values, I'm taking alot of R-ala and Tyler Liver Detox, I think I should be ok. Do you feel .25 mg A-dex EOD would still be effective against preventing GYNO?? Or should I up to .25mg /day. A little water retention doesn't hurt, so the whole bloating thing isn't a big factor for me unless I am on a cutting cycle.
