Arimidex vs. Nolvad...
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Arimidex vs. Nolvadex controversy---Nolvadex 20mg every 4 days....Who does this?

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I originally planned on using Arimidex at .25mg EOD or ED during my Var(40mg/day for 8 wks), Sust (500mg/week for 10 wks) & deca(400mg/week for 8 wks)cycle, however after doing further research I choosing to go with Nolvadex. I was told to use only Nolvadex at early symptoms of Gyno, however, would it be ok to go ahead and throw a 20mg tab every 3 or 4 days just to be safe? I know Nolvadex is somewhat liver toxic, but I am taking alot of precautions for my liver and feel a 20mg tab every 3 or 4 days would work well and wouldn't hinder my gains as opposed to taking one everday. Reasons why I am going with nolva over Arimidex: 1) Nolvadex doesn't totally block esterogen(works as a estrogen receptor atangoist) and I think my overall gains with using Nolva would be better than if I went with arimidex because some estrogen is good during a cycle most since it heavily promotes strength and gains as well (increases GH, upgrades the androgen receptor, improves glucose utilization). 2) Scared to death of cholestorol also.....arimidex may have a profound impact on HDL to LDL ratio's in my cholesterol profile. What do you guys think??
