Any Letro experts o...
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Any Letro experts out there..need help for my show prep

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Im going to run Letro for the duration of my 10 week cutting cycle up to my show to help give me that bone dry look!Ill be running test eth(500mg EW)/Test Prop50mg E3D/tren 400mg EW/mast 400mg EW and winny50mg ED/halo50mg ED last 4 weeks. Stopping HCG a month out as well as growth and IGF!

im going to build the letro dosage up from 0.5mg in the first week to 2.5mg in the last week.Doses will increase by 0.5mg every 2 weeks
WEEK 1-0.5mg
WEEK 2-0.5mg
WEEK 3-1.0mg
WEEK 4-1.0mg
WEEK 5-1.5mg
WEEK 6-1.5mg
WEEK 7-2.0mg
WEEK 8-2.0mg
WEEK 9-2.5mg
WEEK 10-2.5mg

1.Do i need to taper the letro towards the end?
2.How will i combat rebound when i come off the letro? novla/clomid? Aromasin?
3. I stop my ethanate 6 weeks out and contiune to run prop at three 50mg shots every 3 days, is 2.5mg Letro each day a this stage to harsh as there wont be much estrogen about anyway???
4.Should the letro be taken ED or EOD
5. Should i be running it 6 weeks prior to my cycle to get "stable blood levels" or can i start straihgt away as i start taken test?

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i would do your cycle like this: comp day is in week 16

week 1-5 Enanthate 500-750mg/day
week 6-14 Propionate 100mg EOD
week 6-14 Tren 400mg/wk (not sure what ester u have)
week 8-15 Masterone (stop all injections 10 days b4 showday)
Winny? you can use it if u want, although be careful w/your joints
last 10 days Halotestin 20-40mg/day

You definitely know the right compounds to use for a comp cycle

1.Do i need to taper the letro towards the end?
2.How will i combat rebound when i come off the letro? novla/clomid? Aromasin?
3. I stop my ethanate 6 weeks out and contiune to run prop at three 50mg shots every 3 days, is 2.5mg Letro each day a this stage to harsh as there wont be much estrogen about anyway???
4.Should the letro be taken ED or EOD
5. Should i be running it 6 weeks prior to my cycle to get "stable blood levels" or can i start straihgt away as i start taken test?

1. you need to ramp it like you have it laid out(I'm using Arimidex)
2. You need to be running nolvadex throughout the cycle and then into pct. yes you can use clomid and aromasin then too
3. I would run Prop a little higher at this stage as your carbs will be low and you want to hold onto as much muscle as possible. the tren will help. 2.5mg should be good and not to harsh cuz you don't want any water retention to get that dry look. After you stop your prop start taking proviron at 50mg/day
4. either Ed or EOD, lower dose if ED and higher if EOD. I would go ED the final weeks as a precaution w/water
5.Not necessary prior to cycle; The first 6 weeks you will have more water w/ the enanthate, this will allow you to lift heavy still. i would take nolva at the start and throughout. When you start your prop is when you will be able to see where your truly at. I would take letro at this point and be sure to ramp it the final weeks. Just make sure you stay on top of the anti-e's so your water is very little. this is important so you can see where your at and can make adjustments as needed.

I hope I answered your questions right as they weren't really specific

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Posted by: tylernus
i would do your cycle like this: comp day is in week 16

week 1-5 Enanthate 500-750mg/day
week 6-14 Propionate 100mg EOD
week 6-14 Tren 400mg/wk (not sure what ester u have)
week 8-15 Masterone (stop all injections 10 days b4 showday)
Winny? you can use it if u want, although be careful w/your joints
last 10 days Halotestin 20-40mg/day

You definitely know the right compounds to use for a comp cycle

1.Do i need to taper the letro towards the end?
2.How will i combat rebound when i come off the letro? novla/clomid? Aromasin?
3. I stop my ethanate 6 weeks out and contiune to run prop at three 50mg shots every 3 days, is 2.5mg Letro each day a this stage to harsh as there wont be much estrogen about anyway???
4.Should the letro be taken ED or EOD
5. Should i be running it 6 weeks prior to my cycle to get "stable blood levels" or can i start straihgt away as i start taken test?

1. you need to ramp it like you have it laid out(I'm using Arimidex)
2. You need to be running nolvadex throughout the cycle and then into pct. yes you can use clomid and aromasin then too
3. I would run Prop a little higher at this stage as your carbs will be low and you want to hold onto as much muscle as possible. the tren will help. 2.5mg should be good and not to harsh cuz you don't want any water retention to get that dry look. After you stop your prop start taking proviron at 50mg/day
4. either Ed or EOD, lower dose if ED and higher if EOD. I would go ED the final weeks as a precaution w/water
5.Not necessary prior to cycle; The first 6 weeks you will have more water w/ the enanthate, this will allow you to lift heavy still. i would take nolva at the start and throughout.When you start your prop is when you will be able to see where your truly at. I would take letro at this point and be sure to ramp it the final weeks. Just make sure you stay on top of the anti-e's so your water isvery little. this is important so you can see where your at and can make adjustments as needed.

I hope I answered your questions right as they weren't really specific

thanks bud. couple of points id like to question u on

1.Novla with tren? does this not make you more suseptible to progestianl gyno from tren?? read that on a couple of forums now? they say just run letro with caber to combat it! and if im runin letro anyway will this not lower the effectiveness of novla?

2. i was planning on running halotestin for 6 weeks stating at 30 mg and tapering to 50mg?

3. youve changed my mind about the masteron, i was running it from the outset of the cycle but no im going to run it the last 6 weeks of the cycle!

4. why do you say stop all injections 10 weeks out..?? i was planning on stoppin about 5 days out.. is this just to prevent any swelling e.t.c on stage?

5. do you think i should run proviron in the last 4 weeks or so of my cycle? are you suggesting this (1) to frree up more test or (2) anti e. drying out properies, i think ur reffering to the first point. think i may go with that bud.
I dont think ill run prop at 100mg eod, i did before and i got a cold of it, tht dose is to much for my system in the off season never mind with letro and stuff and low carbs weaking it even more! tren is . ethanate ester and acetate. i taking one etahante injection at start of week followed by two seperate aceteate injections in the same week

thanks alot bro!

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"You need to be running nolvadex throughout the cycle " Tylernus.

Can we get some clarification on this, no disrespect Tylernus but i'm not sure SERMS mix with AIs. I was under the belief that the day i stop my Letro is the time i can begin Nolva for pct. As the Nolva screws the Letro over.
If you're running Letro throughout your cycle, i've read that the letro can begin a week before the test cycle 0.5mg. Visions or El-mucho can clear this up, but i thought you'd be gtg with the AI only, until week 12.

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Ok I need to be more careful and specific with my words as I was answering a bunch of different questions scattered all over the place.

I just figured you could run the nolvadex at the start of your cycle since your only running Test Enanthate.

THEN once you begin with Tren, start the Letro and cabaser and STOP the nolvadex. And then you can run nolvadex for pct after you've stopped letro and use aromasin with nolva/clomid.


1.Novla with tren? does this not make you more suseptible to progestianl gyno from tren?? read that on a couple of forums now? they say just run letro with caber to combat it! and if im runin letro anyway will this not lower the effectiveness of novla?

2. i was planning on running halotestin for 6 weeks stating at 30 mg and tapering to 50mg?

3. youve changed my mind about the masteron, i was running it from the outset of the cycle but no im going to run it the last 6 weeks of the cycle!

4. why do you say stop all injections 10 weeks out..?? i was planning on stoppin about 5 days out.. is this just to prevent any swelling e.t.c on stage?

5. do you think i should run proviron in the last 4 weeks or so of my cycle? are you suggesting this (1) to frree up more test or (2) anti e. drying out properies, i think ur reffering to the first point. think i may go with that bud.
I dont think ill run prop at 100mg eod, i did before and i got a cold of it, tht dose is to much for my system in the off season never mind with letro and stuff and low carbs weaking it even more! tren is . ethanate ester and acetate. i taking one etahante injection at start of week followed by two seperate aceteate injections in the same week

1. {answered that at the begining of post}

2. Halotestin is more liver toxic than Anadrol and needs to be ran for short durations. Halotestin is like a last minute trick to harden up. I still say to run it the last 10-14 days @ 20-40mg. Running alot of compounds at high doses can flood the receptors and your body can only make use of so much.

3. Masterone is aewsome period.

4. I said stop all injections 10 days out maybe even 7 days. yes this is to prevent a bad injection from happening and then have a swollen lump on stage. You don't want the Judges to see that.

5. Exactly, plus you'll see how proviron gives you a hard look. Well just lower the prop dosage to one your body can handle.

6. Just make sure you dose your tren so that you achieve stable levels.
