Last seen: Oct 21, 2019
hmm interesting. may consider tht sometime. but i usualyl run prop high anyway.
wud u rather run the hcg with that or test enan 125mg pw?if so, why? or rather run t enan and every now and then a bit of hcg to keep boys working?
SO short cycles probably also work that well?I guess moderate cycles 500mg around 8-10 weeks are best?
tbh I don't know enough about it to answer your questions. The reasons i lowered dose was because it seemed he didn't want to gain a lot of weight at ...
depends how logn u prepared to run etc and the damage u prepared to go for.I'd go with around 125mg prop a week, 50mg tren eod and 20mg halo a day for...
no doubt...
yup google that and you find 2 camps...the anti circ lobby who foam at themouth that its a sin to circ...adn the pro circ, who say it's fine, no probl...
10mg a day halo = bad sides? is that your experience?? odd..oh oops just saw you wrote winny..a.nd halo? not sure what you mean overal here?
nope haven't tried halo...woudl love I think for shrot cycles and moderate doses it's actually quite a decent drug.It's there guys who run 30m...
yeh he could get away with that, prob 3-4 cycles but guessing here. its likely his hpta will progressively get weaker.some ppl wont have any weakening...
well llok this is all debateable. It's tricky, cos he's using low dose of everythingsome guys will say he's shutdown and thats tht...i believe he'll b...
I think u would be fine on that even 5 weeks...but blood test would be required if u go over 3 imo. But Iwould proabbly just take a chance lolWHat kin...
heheheyeh i see your point. as in the amazing vascularity it gives you and not sudden bloated mass. But you could get tht as well with 250mg test? I d...
some ppls lipids get kille don it...not sure why, or if its the norm.I still like good ole prop or eq...they dont seem too harsh and still give good g...