Last seen: Oct 21, 2019
Finished my second cycle test/tren, prop 125mg EOD and tren 50mg eod.In the end had some racing heartbeats and arhythmia, but the gain was good. I was...
Ay yes, you're right, my mistake. Doesn't seem to have a problem with moderate dose dbol though, either.
Yeah that's the article that convinced me.Only thing that's changed, the author no longer advocates winny as it causes extreme lipid inversion, even i...
yeh it looks good. I might rather split hcg up into 500iu eod doses but up to you.PCT coudl eb a bit longer to be sure. 5-6 weeks.What is the proviron...
yeh öppl if u want to cycle i guess u can take a chance and not have tests...but if youre thinking long term youll need blood test before and during.....
dtto for the showers. Massage also I guesslow dose test around 150mg a week should go down well, btu then again it's all temporary eh?Do youknow your ...
yup on Clomid 100mg as big cat said...I'd split it up tho...I took 100mg at once and saw stars while sleepign lol.I guess if u cant take 100mg it won'...
Yeh many variations...I guess there are variations because of diff gear used , and ppl recover differently.As for hcg...I think even on a moderate cyc...
Well for your cycle i'd do:HCG last 3 weeks of cycle 500iu eod. (with nolva 20mg eod/ed - low dose so shud be fine without)Week1 of pct nolva 40mgWeek...
I'm primarily concerned about option 1. I'd wan tot run prop 8 weeks, then go off 10 days, no pct. On day 10, prop will have cleared, my T/E ratio wil...
hey Ryan,I've seen for seevre cases they have used high doses (2500iu e4d) for 3 weeks or so with nolva to kickstart ur endocrine system.It seems you ...
strange...cos a lot of ppl seem to use it at end of cycle. Think tren is awesome. I'd even do Tbol.Also it seems extreme and rapid lipid inversion eve...
Hey Baccara,Yep winstrol is cool, thing is, how long is it detectable aty the rates he is taking? How detectable long for, the oral form at World cup ...
Hey baccara,On a mg per mg basis you would say things like Dbol anavar and Anadrol (???), turinabol are very similar? Or are you talking only in one s...