Joined: Jun 24, 2018
Last seen: Oct 21, 2019
Topics: 7 / Replies: 158
RE: Recovery gear for swimmer

you basicalyl sayin AIS said itr doesnt work for swimmers???

5 years ago
RE: SERM only cycle.

wow amazing./yep 422 is quite low. borderline for your age I reckon.

5 years ago
RE: SERM only cycle.

interested to see ur levels.did u do bseline?

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

tes + halo is great (I think never tried it tho..depends how u react).wud be 100times better if u cud give prop but give it a try and let us know.the ...

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

my opinion...whoever wrote that comment/reply thing...sust has a longer acting test in it. Test e is better, dont' care wht he says.what you are doign...

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

would do 750mg test e. Do your 2 weeks on and make it 5 weeks off to make sure.If it works could perhaps push slightly higher. I have seen guys whack ...

5 years ago
RE: Toremifene Citrate Experiment Results

hilearnt a lot here. will see if my source stocks this.I was referring to 25mg Clomid, which I have seen does work quite well. frontload using 50mg fo...

5 years ago
RE: Toremifene Citrate Experiment Results

lolu gonna try clomid?50mg nolva is quite a load?I heard 25mg Clomid does the job quite well. No need to go crazy with dosages.I think your test level...

5 years ago
RE: Rogaine and Body Weight

I use it low dose, can't say I noticed anything.I just thought it's a good idea if I run test every now and then, to use it. I have slight hairloss, b...

5 years ago
RE: Endurance oral cycle

i liked tbol at 20mg. it was fine for bb'er at 30-40mg but for enduro i think 20mg shud be great.gla dits going well.

5 years ago
RE: Kidney ache

hmmm yeh...that is odd. I'ts good that you pay attention to your body.But i don't like orals..period. DId Tbol...even on 30mg i don't feel the best, w...

5 years ago
RE: long or short?

why would you say AI is advisable? I think that is true -but surely it's safer than a long cycle?anyway John - seems like you really have things down....

6 years ago
RE: long or short?

John123 -what's your recommendation on short cycle time off and pct?I have been doing prop 125mg eod and 30mg tbol ed 14 days. then 10 days clomid 50m...

6 years ago
RE: long or short?

run 500iu twice a week...up until when?I hav e afeeling in strength dept especially long cycles are better.

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 1268
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