Joined: Jun 24, 2018
Last seen: Apr 11, 2019
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
RE: how to stop craving

Posted by: bosshog Interesting JB!!! Im going to have to give that one a try too..for what its worth blackpoppapump I remember reading something long...

6 years ago
RE: BodyPharm

Bodypharm Cut Stack - Im starting my third week with this product at 1.25ml eod. In my humble opinion I think this product has the same amount of pip...

7 years ago
RE: RoidsMall.Net Reviews

I'm in my first week cycle from roidsmall.net and I can tell you that this is the website to go. I started injecting EQ (frontloading) @ 1000 mg and t...

7 years ago
RE: Test Prop/ B12

I asked the same question recently and the concensus is that sterile oil will work better. B12 is water based and the prop is oil based so sterile oil...

7 years ago